Are we require to buy a license if we host Zammad for our clients as a service?
I understand that AGPL require us to share source if we modify the source, so this is fine, I have no intentions to do so - I’ll rather contribute to your Git if i need features.
I’ll make it very short:
No you do not need a license for hosting Zammad for customers, but we will not provide support for those instances (without service contract).
Of course, I understand that your time is better spent on development and enterprise customers, this is a better gain for everone involved with the project.
Hm, I’m a bit split about if we can even use Zammad commercially based on that policy…
What we want to do:
Host Zammad instances for our clients.
Charge the client for the hosting and maintanance.
This will of course make us money, but you state on the terms “…it cannot be run as a for-profit project or business”… which is exactly what hosting Zammad does.
Regarding the license question: Github is right - it’s AGPL. We’re fixing that on the pages (Thanks for the hint)
You can Host Zammad instances for customers and charge them, but:
you have to ensure that your customer understands, that this Hosting has nothing to do with Zammad Foundation and/or Zammad GmbH
you may not advertise using the Name “Zammad”
Another example would be:
Similarly, a business related to Zammad themes can describe itself as “XYZ Themes, the world’s best Zammad themes,” but cannot call itself “The Zammad Theme Portal.”
For name usage (Zammad), you can contact us at support(at)zammad(dot)com to make it clearer.
The more i test Zammad, the more Zammad is everywhere…
Test ticket
Test E-mail
Default templates
Browser console
Login page
Even the E-mail headers has Zammad!
And no where is there a simple way to add the “not affiliated by” without changing the code, re-package it and re-distribute it to every user and visitor of the Zammad instance - just to be able to use it and not break AGPL.
I’m sorry, but the work don’t justify the small fee we would earn offering this to clients.
I’ll answer here, because your questions might hit more people as well and help them to decide. I hope this is okay for you, as the last post is basically the same like in your E-Mail.
This would be okay.
You’d have to fork Zammad for rebranding (and maintain it), as the wanted functionality is nothing we will add in the new future.
It is important, that your product is not named e.g. “Zammad Professional”. Of course, you can declare in the Feature set, that underneath it’s a Zammad instance hosted by you.
It is okay if you name it “BRANDNAME Pro” or “BRAND Ticketing Pro” something like that (as long as “Zammad” is not in the name.
I think the above should cover most of your last post, too.