History or Log who viewed the ticket

Your Zammad environment:

  • Average concurrent agent count: 260
  • Average tickets a day: 6000
  • What roles/people are involved: Client support department

It would be great that in ticket history would be shown who viewed the ticket.
Usecase we need to solve. There are tickets where Agents open, and do not answer. Take time to view it, investigate and leave it.
This feature will allow us to see, who was viewing and how much time. Then investigate why Agent droped it.

Sometimes the ticket goes throught 7 Agents, and non of it had worked, customer did not get a respond.
So for accurate investigation this would be good tool.


if this fits for your needs: You can assign a ticket to the first person viewing it (and disable this feature for agents/groups aswell, e.g. Team Lead).

Best regards

It could be the option, but it has side effect.

We have junior specialist, they do not know all the answers, so to understand can he reply he must read the email :slight_smile: After he reads, he knows able to answer or not.

So you could “blacklist” your Junior specialists :slight_smile:
Just group them together and exclude them from beeing assigned as the responsible agent.

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Is there ability to disable for Role users disable change assignation? On role behalf, not group?

You can just filter when Auto assign starts working:

On which group, customer, organisation,…

Yes. Thanks, got it.

But is there a posibility to prevent edit ticket fields for certain role users?

Can i do it with core workflows?

Yes, just use core workflows to hide or set fields to read only for specific roles or users.
Just keep in mind: If you have mandatory fields to set before saving is possible, they have to be editable or assign via core workflow, too.

Can we please keep feature requests clean without technical questions?
Otherwise the overview of the topic greatly suffers.

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