Hacky: default value for new custom object in existing tickets


  • Used Zammad version: 5.1.1
  • Used Zammad installation type: package
  • Operating system: Debian 11
  • Database: PostgreSQL 13.7


We have a couple of self-hosted Zammad instances. Due to legal and for data archival reasons we now need to add categories to each individual ticket, specifying which class of data they contain, e.g. Personal Identifiable Information, medical records, etc. We’ll likely have to go through all existing tickets and add the proper metadata based on the contents (FML).

I’ve come up with the following:

  • Add a custom multiselect ticket object, named content_class. Assign a default value and make it a mandatory field on tickets.

  • Create an overview of all tickets without a defined content_class.
  • Let the agents/staff work through the overview until all existing tickets have been updated with the proper classification.


  • It seems it’s not possible to create an overview on the empty content_class of existing tickets (the search for (multi)select object lacks an “is not set (undefined)” option).
  • Manually searching for tickets with an empty content_class is not really an option. Searching for null or empty values doesn’t seem to work. The following appears to be a solution, but it’s not realistic and too time-consuming for the agents:

Extremely Hacky Solution:

So here’s a possible solution to the problem, albeit extremely hacky and quite possibly a bad idea [citation needed]

  • Manually update the tickets table and set a non-existent key for the content_class attribute in existing tickets (where the key is NULL):
Danger Zone
    • UPDATE tickets SET content_class = '{value_not_set}' WHERE content_class ISNULL ;
  • Re-index ElasticSearch (this might take a long time on large ticket databases).
    • zammad run rake searchindex:rebuild
  • Create an overview with conditions: Content Class contains one not and select every defined key. This won’t match the hacky non-existing key, thus producing an overview of every ticket which needs to be processed. This query also works with the Scheduler and might assist in automatically classifying tickets based on their contents.


  • On ticket updates of the content_class attribute, the non-existing key will be replaced by one of the proper values, as assigned by the agent.


  • Is there perhaps a better solution for these problems? Would you suggest a different approach entirely?
  • Would the non-existing key be a problem during the regular Zammad package upgrades and migrations?

I can’t say this often enough:

You’re bypassing data validity and security checks and other mechanisms of Zammad.

You’re on your own.

Fair enough. I’ve been experimenting with this in a sandbox, I haven’t done anything to our PROD environments yet, this is still a theoretical problem and I’d love to hear suggestions on how you’d handle this.

An option could be to perhaps (temporarily) add a specific key to the multiselect which can be used to assign to existing tickets? The problem would still be: how would I assign that specific value to already existing tickets? Maybe update every ticket via the API/console? That would make sure the internal checks aren’t bypassed, right? Would that be feasible?

I’d probably do it the way you suggested but not with a non-existing key, I would say that’s too dangerous. Since Zammad doesn’t provide a builtin way for mass changes you sometimes have no choice other than database manipulation. I have run into a similar problem with a custom field I added later on.

In your screenshot you have one option called “unclassified”, I would use. Update every ticket with “null” to “unclassified” (check correct syntax on an existing ticket which you updated through the gui) and make an overview with only those where your users can work through them. Before doing anything in the database make a backup.

1 Like

You actually have three options:

  • Scheduler task (this is, performance wise, the least immersive part)
  • API based
  • rails based
Ticket.where(my_fancy_attribute_name: nil).find_in_batches do |t|
   t.update_all(my_fancy_attribute_name: 'attribute_value')


  • attribute name != attribute display name
  • attribute value != attribute display value

You absolutely want to update one existing ticket to learn how the value has to look like.
This will update all tickets where no value is yet set.

Keep in mind that this can be an issue on busy systems, consider a moment out of your business time to allow Zammads delayed jobs to not interfere with your daily business.

Above updates all tickets in 1000 steps. Each update means one delayed job for search indexing and n delayed jobs for any agent notification that might apply.


Awesome, I think that’s exactly what we need and way more elegant than my ugly hack. Thanks again for your great help, as always :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

So I am thinking I may have come across some sort of bug while preparing to update existing tickets with the new custom object and a default value.
I am using the Scheduler to set a default value for my new custom object in existing tickets, but nothing seems to be updated even though the Scheduler says it will process the relevant tickets. As I am not totally sure if this is a bug or just me doing something stupid, I’ll post my issue and findings here:

Some possibly noteworthy facts:

  • I have not messed with the custom object in the database on this particular instance
  • After spotting this possible issue and prior to re-testing and submitting this report, I have updated the Zammad package on our Ubuntu 20.04 testing system to the latest available version, which is 5.1.1-1655712708.d1d67c32.focal at the time of writing. The issue stayed the same
  • This instance doesn’t have Core Workflows
  • I’ve added some test tickets to this instance via the Rails console (awesome!)

The Scheduler:

The Schedule config:

The Zammad Production log at the time of running the Schedule (I have replaced the actual system hostname with the helpdesk.example.com value):

I, [2022-06-20T14:44:46.245361 #3166168-182940]  INFO -- : 2022-06-20T14:44:46+0200: [Worker(host:helpdesk.example.com pid:3166168)] Job TicketUserTicketCounterJob [e6c5ed15-12cd-4be2-a522-9caa27a66320] from DelayedJob(default) with arguments: [521, 1] (id=346590) (queue=default) RUNNING
I, [2022-06-20T14:44:46.270386 #3166168-182940]  INFO -- : 2022-06-20T14:44:46+0200: [Worker(host:helpdesk.example.com pid:3166168)] Job TicketUserTicketCounterJob [e6c5ed15-12cd-4be2-a522-9caa27a66320] from DelayedJob(default) with arguments: [521, 1] (id=346590) (queue=default) COMPLETED after 0.0249
I, [2022-06-20T14:44:46.272226 #3166168-182940]  INFO -- : 2022-06-20T14:44:46+0200: [Worker(host:helpdesk.example.com pid:3166168)] Job TicketUserTicketCounterJob [1b60a184-f543-46b7-b0f3-a31662fe8baa] from DelayedJob(default) with arguments: [711, 1] (id=346591) (queue=default) RUNNING
I, [2022-06-20T14:44:46.302967 #3166168-182940]  INFO -- : 2022-06-20T14:44:46+0200: [Worker(host:helpdesk.example.com pid:3166168)] Job TicketUserTicketCounterJob [1b60a184-f543-46b7-b0f3-a31662fe8baa] from DelayedJob(default) with arguments: [711, 1] (id=346591) (queue=default) COMPLETED after 0.0306
I, [2022-06-20T14:44:46.304776 #3166168-182940]  INFO -- : 2022-06-20T14:44:46+0200: [Worker(host:helpdesk.example.com pid:3166168)] Job TicketUserTicketCounterJob [874091a3-df82-4a8e-a485-7d63368b81d1] from DelayedJob(default) with arguments: [817, 1] (id=346592) (queue=default) RUNNING
I, [2022-06-20T14:44:46.332900 #3166168-182940]  INFO -- : 2022-06-20T14:44:46+0200: [Worker(host:helpdesk.example.com pid:3166168)] Job TicketUserTicketCounterJob [874091a3-df82-4a8e-a485-7d63368b81d1] from DelayedJob(default) with arguments: [817, 1] (id=346592) (queue=default) COMPLETED after 0.0280
I, [2022-06-20T14:44:46.334843 #3166168-182940]  INFO -- : 2022-06-20T14:44:46+0200: [Worker(host:helpdesk.example.com pid:3166168)] Job TicketUserTicketCounterJob [83080306-3720-4c13-ab0d-3671a264ddb7] from DelayedJob(default) with arguments: [1031, 1] (id=346593) (queue=default) RUNNING
I, [2022-06-20T14:44:46.358943 #3166168-182940]  INFO -- : 2022-06-20T14:44:46+0200: [Worker(host:helpdesk.example.com pid:3166168)] Job TicketUserTicketCounterJob [83080306-3720-4c13-ab0d-3671a264ddb7] from DelayedJob(default) with arguments: [1031, 1] (id=346593) (queue=default) COMPLETED after 0.0240
I, [2022-06-20T14:44:46.360593 #3166168-182940]  INFO -- : 2022-06-20T14:44:46+0200: [Worker(host:helpdesk.example.com pid:3166168)] Job TicketUserTicketCounterJob [90eda935-bcc1-4dca-a746-8804e216c891] from DelayedJob(default) with arguments: [910, 1] (id=346594) (queue=default) RUNNING
I, [2022-06-20T14:44:46.382985 #3166168-182940]  INFO -- : 2022-06-20T14:44:46+0200: [Worker(host:helpdesk.example.com pid:3166168)] Job TicketUserTicketCounterJob [90eda935-bcc1-4dca-a746-8804e216c891] from DelayedJob(default) with arguments: [910, 1] (id=346594) (queue=default) COMPLETED after 0.0223
I, [2022-06-20T14:44:46.384721 #3166168-182940]  INFO -- : 2022-06-20T14:44:46+0200: [Worker(host:helpdesk.example.com pid:3166168)] Job TicketUserTicketCounterJob [e17f64b1-49a0-4f07-9f03-ffae6d90371b] from DelayedJob(default) with arguments: [664, 1] (id=346595) (queue=default) RUNNING
I, [2022-06-20T14:44:46.406960 #3166168-182940]  INFO -- : 2022-06-20T14:44:46+0200: [Worker(host:helpdesk.example.com pid:3166168)] Job TicketUserTicketCounterJob [e17f64b1-49a0-4f07-9f03-ffae6d90371b] from DelayedJob(default) with arguments: [664, 1] (id=346595) (queue=default) COMPLETED after 0.0221
I, [2022-06-20T14:44:46.408773 #3166168-182940]  INFO -- : 2022-06-20T14:44:46+0200: [Worker(host:helpdesk.example.com pid:3166168)] Job TicketUserTicketCounterJob [35ecb12f-630c-4d28-9ea9-7a7fa955b633] from DelayedJob(default) with arguments: [731, 1] (id=346596) (queue=default) RUNNING
I, [2022-06-20T14:44:46.431155 #3166168-182940]  INFO -- : 2022-06-20T14:44:46+0200: [Worker(host:helpdesk.example.com pid:3166168)] Job TicketUserTicketCounterJob [35ecb12f-630c-4d28-9ea9-7a7fa955b633] from DelayedJob(default) with arguments: [731, 1] (id=346596) (queue=default) COMPLETED after 0.0223
I, [2022-06-20T14:44:46.432960 #3166168-182940]  INFO -- : 2022-06-20T14:44:46+0200: [Worker(host:helpdesk.example.com pid:3166168)] Job TicketUserTicketCounterJob [25997481-2314-4089-8b1b-25d4fd4a64ea] from DelayedJob(default) with arguments: [587, 1] (id=346597) (queue=default) RUNNING
I, [2022-06-20T14:44:46.454841 #3166168-182940]  INFO -- : 2022-06-20T14:44:46+0200: [Worker(host:helpdesk.example.com pid:3166168)] Job TicketUserTicketCounterJob [25997481-2314-4089-8b1b-25d4fd4a64ea] from DelayedJob(default) with arguments: [587, 1] (id=346597) (queue=default) COMPLETED after 0.0218
I, [2022-06-20T14:44:46.456692 #3166168-182940]  INFO -- : 2022-06-20T14:44:46+0200: [Worker(host:helpdesk.example.com pid:3166168)] Job SearchIndexAssociationsJob [3cea66b6-29d9-491f-89dd-b355f8664ac4] from DelayedJob(default) with arguments: ["Ticket", 236] (id=346572) (queue=default) RUNNING
I, [2022-06-20T14:44:46.515176 #3166168-182940]  INFO -- : 2022-06-20T14:44:46+0200: [Worker(host:helpdesk.example.com pid:3166168)] Job SearchIndexAssociationsJob [3cea66b6-29d9-491f-89dd-b355f8664ac4] from DelayedJob(default) with arguments: ["Ticket", 236] (id=346572) (queue=default) COMPLETED after 0.0583
I, [2022-06-20T14:44:46.517270 #3166168-182940]  INFO -- : 2022-06-20T14:44:46+0200: [Worker(host:helpdesk.example.com pid:3166168)] Job SearchIndexJob [959f66c1-4a93-46ab-b5a7-07b38288d219] from DelayedJob(default) with arguments: ["User", 521] (id=346573) (queue=default) RUNNING
I, [2022-06-20T14:44:46.565884 #3166168-182940]  INFO -- : 2022-06-20T14:44:46+0200: [Worker(host:helpdesk.example.com pid:3166168)] Job SearchIndexJob [959f66c1-4a93-46ab-b5a7-07b38288d219] from DelayedJob(default) with arguments: ["User", 521] (id=346573) (queue=default) COMPLETED after 0.0484
I, [2022-06-20T14:44:46.568112 #3166168-182940]  INFO -- : 2022-06-20T14:44:46+0200: [Worker(host:helpdesk.example.com pid:3166168)] Job SearchIndexAssociationsJob [2ee65228-7d4e-4774-a439-bbafa750bd16] from DelayedJob(default) with arguments: ["Ticket", 237] (id=346574) (queue=default) RUNNING
I, [2022-06-20T14:44:46.624142 #3166168-182940]  INFO -- : 2022-06-20T14:44:46+0200: [Worker(host:helpdesk.example.com pid:3166168)] Job SearchIndexAssociationsJob [2ee65228-7d4e-4774-a439-bbafa750bd16] from DelayedJob(default) with arguments: ["Ticket", 237] (id=346574) (queue=default) COMPLETED after 0.0558
I, [2022-06-20T14:44:46.626297 #3166168-182940]  INFO -- : 2022-06-20T14:44:46+0200: [Worker(host:helpdesk.example.com pid:3166168)] Job SearchIndexJob [0e42af17-47bb-4fa4-913b-acbc1870c6ee] from DelayedJob(default) with arguments: ["User", 711] (id=346575) (queue=default) RUNNING
I, [2022-06-20T14:44:46.658990 #3166168-182940]  INFO -- : 2022-06-20T14:44:46+0200: [Worker(host:helpdesk.example.com pid:3166168)] Job SearchIndexJob [0e42af17-47bb-4fa4-913b-acbc1870c6ee] from DelayedJob(default) with arguments: ["User", 711] (id=346575) (queue=default) COMPLETED after 0.0326
I, [2022-06-20T14:44:46.661102 #3166168-182940]  INFO -- : 2022-06-20T14:44:46+0200: [Worker(host:helpdesk.example.com pid:3166168)] Job SearchIndexAssociationsJob [9c11d004-d24d-4477-8614-d5e7d41c49b0] from DelayedJob(default) with arguments: ["Ticket", 238] (id=346576) (queue=default) RUNNING
I, [2022-06-20T14:44:46.711223 #3166168-182940]  INFO -- : 2022-06-20T14:44:46+0200: [Worker(host:helpdesk.example.com pid:3166168)] Job SearchIndexAssociationsJob [9c11d004-d24d-4477-8614-d5e7d41c49b0] from DelayedJob(default) with arguments: ["Ticket", 238] (id=346576) (queue=default) COMPLETED after 0.0500
I, [2022-06-20T14:44:46.713345 #3166168-182940]  INFO -- : 2022-06-20T14:44:46+0200: [Worker(host:helpdesk.example.com pid:3166168)] Job SearchIndexJob [4aa7369a-e9da-4db2-b39d-cbf1f9b2cd53] from DelayedJob(default) with arguments: ["User", 817] (id=346577) (queue=default) RUNNING
I, [2022-06-20T14:44:46.748685 #3166168-182940]  INFO -- : 2022-06-20T14:44:46+0200: [Worker(host:helpdesk.example.com pid:3166168)] Job SearchIndexJob [4aa7369a-e9da-4db2-b39d-cbf1f9b2cd53] from DelayedJob(default) with arguments: ["User", 817] (id=346577) (queue=default) COMPLETED after 0.0352
I, [2022-06-20T14:44:46.750659 #3166168-182940]  INFO -- : 2022-06-20T14:44:46+0200: [Worker(host:helpdesk.example.com pid:3166168)] Job SearchIndexAssociationsJob [8ed385bc-7579-432d-ac05-942cc4bb75ca] from DelayedJob(default) with arguments: ["Ticket", 240] (id=346578) (queue=default) RUNNING
I, [2022-06-20T14:44:46.804691 #3166168-182940]  INFO -- : 2022-06-20T14:44:46+0200: [Worker(host:helpdesk.example.com pid:3166168)] Job SearchIndexAssociationsJob [8ed385bc-7579-432d-ac05-942cc4bb75ca] from DelayedJob(default) with arguments: ["Ticket", 240] (id=346578) (queue=default) COMPLETED after 0.0539
I, [2022-06-20T14:44:46.806645 #3166168-182940]  INFO -- : 2022-06-20T14:44:46+0200: [Worker(host:helpdesk.example.com pid:3166168)] Job SearchIndexJob [dc7ac1aa-5129-49ef-ba18-1ab9125133ba] from DelayedJob(default) with arguments: ["User", 1031] (id=346579) (queue=default) RUNNING
I, [2022-06-20T14:44:46.838259 #3166168-182940]  INFO -- : 2022-06-20T14:44:46+0200: [Worker(host:helpdesk.example.com pid:3166168)] Job SearchIndexJob [dc7ac1aa-5129-49ef-ba18-1ab9125133ba] from DelayedJob(default) with arguments: ["User", 1031] (id=346579) (queue=default) COMPLETED after 0.0315
I, [2022-06-20T14:44:46.840071 #3166168-182940]  INFO -- : 2022-06-20T14:44:46+0200: [Worker(host:helpdesk.example.com pid:3166168)] Job SearchIndexAssociationsJob [f1193db9-2b84-4b39-a61e-c6c7346333a7] from DelayedJob(default) with arguments: ["Ticket", 242] (id=346580) (queue=default) RUNNING
I, [2022-06-20T14:44:46.910325 #3166168-182940]  INFO -- : 2022-06-20T14:44:46+0200: [Worker(host:helpdesk.example.com pid:3166168)] Job SearchIndexAssociationsJob [f1193db9-2b84-4b39-a61e-c6c7346333a7] from DelayedJob(default) with arguments: ["Ticket", 242] (id=346580) (queue=default) COMPLETED after 0.0702
I, [2022-06-20T14:44:46.912979 #3166168-182940]  INFO -- : 2022-06-20T14:44:46+0200: [Worker(host:helpdesk.example.com pid:3166168)] Job SearchIndexJob [25262027-8fca-4ee7-a9a0-c3bc6bf044ce] from DelayedJob(default) with arguments: ["User", 910] (id=346581) (queue=default) RUNNING
I, [2022-06-20T14:44:46.966495 #3166168-182940]  INFO -- : 2022-06-20T14:44:46+0200: [Worker(host:helpdesk.example.com pid:3166168)] Job SearchIndexJob [25262027-8fca-4ee7-a9a0-c3bc6bf044ce] from DelayedJob(default) with arguments: ["User", 910] (id=346581) (queue=default) COMPLETED after 0.0534
I, [2022-06-20T14:44:46.968842 #3166168-182940]  INFO -- : 2022-06-20T14:44:46+0200: [Worker(host:helpdesk.example.com pid:3166168)] Job SearchIndexJob [3792a26b-2fc8-4a6f-b1be-460ca0a68a72] from DelayedJob(default) with arguments: ["Organization", 36] (id=346582) (queue=default) RUNNING
I, [2022-06-20T14:44:47.115152 #3166168-182940]  INFO -- : 2022-06-20T14:44:47+0200: [Worker(host:helpdesk.example.com pid:3166168)] Job SearchIndexJob [3792a26b-2fc8-4a6f-b1be-460ca0a68a72] from DelayedJob(default) with arguments: ["Organization", 36] (id=346582) (queue=default) COMPLETED after 0.1462
I, [2022-06-20T14:44:47.117369 #3166168-182940]  INFO -- : 2022-06-20T14:44:47+0200: [Worker(host:helpdesk.example.com pid:3166168)] Job SearchIndexAssociationsJob [a07eae43-d0db-4192-a4a4-5ae82b5cca7d] from DelayedJob(default) with arguments: ["Ticket", 243] (id=346583) (queue=default) RUNNING
I, [2022-06-20T14:44:47.171578 #3166168-182940]  INFO -- : 2022-06-20T14:44:47+0200: [Worker(host:helpdesk.example.com pid:3166168)] Job SearchIndexAssociationsJob [a07eae43-d0db-4192-a4a4-5ae82b5cca7d] from DelayedJob(default) with arguments: ["Ticket", 243] (id=346583) (queue=default) COMPLETED after 0.0541
I, [2022-06-20T14:44:47.173655 #3166168-182940]  INFO -- : 2022-06-20T14:44:47+0200: [Worker(host:helpdesk.example.com pid:3166168)] Job SearchIndexJob [0d6e01b3-e74e-4227-a585-602be86633d7] from DelayedJob(default) with arguments: ["User", 664] (id=346584) (queue=default) RUNNING
I, [2022-06-20T14:44:47.202373 #3166168-182940]  INFO -- : 2022-06-20T14:44:47+0200: [Worker(host:helpdesk.example.com pid:3166168)] Job SearchIndexJob [0d6e01b3-e74e-4227-a585-602be86633d7] from DelayedJob(default) with arguments: ["User", 664] (id=346584) (queue=default) COMPLETED after 0.0286
I, [2022-06-20T14:44:47.204270 #3166168-182940]  INFO -- : 2022-06-20T14:44:47+0200: [Worker(host:helpdesk.example.com pid:3166168)] Job SearchIndexAssociationsJob [d9c09c4a-32fb-404c-bdad-57e36f6144c4] from DelayedJob(default) with arguments: ["Ticket", 244] (id=346585) (queue=default) RUNNING
I, [2022-06-20T14:44:47.381377 #3166168-182940]  INFO -- : 2022-06-20T14:44:47+0200: [Worker(host:helpdesk.example.com pid:3166168)] Job SearchIndexAssociationsJob [d9c09c4a-32fb-404c-bdad-57e36f6144c4] from DelayedJob(default) with arguments: ["Ticket", 244] (id=346585) (queue=default) COMPLETED after 0.1770
I, [2022-06-20T14:44:47.383537 #3166168-182940]  INFO -- : 2022-06-20T14:44:47+0200: [Worker(host:helpdesk.example.com pid:3166168)] Job SearchIndexJob [1783d564-ce65-4433-9587-6e34c36f4c48] from DelayedJob(default) with arguments: ["User", 731] (id=346586) (queue=default) RUNNING
I, [2022-06-20T14:44:47.412236 #3166168-182940]  INFO -- : 2022-06-20T14:44:47+0200: [Worker(host:helpdesk.example.com pid:3166168)] Job SearchIndexJob [1783d564-ce65-4433-9587-6e34c36f4c48] from DelayedJob(default) with arguments: ["User", 731] (id=346586) (queue=default) COMPLETED after 0.0286
I, [2022-06-20T14:44:47.414027 #3166168-182940]  INFO -- : 2022-06-20T14:44:47+0200: [Worker(host:helpdesk.example.com pid:3166168)] Job SearchIndexAssociationsJob [d9cb28a7-2b25-4580-87d3-e3863219e980] from DelayedJob(default) with arguments: ["Ticket", 245] (id=346587) (queue=default) RUNNING
I, [2022-06-20T14:44:47.463593 #3166168-182940]  INFO -- : 2022-06-20T14:44:47+0200: [Worker(host:helpdesk.example.com pid:3166168)] Job SearchIndexAssociationsJob [d9cb28a7-2b25-4580-87d3-e3863219e980] from DelayedJob(default) with arguments: ["Ticket", 245] (id=346587) (queue=default) COMPLETED after 0.0495
I, [2022-06-20T14:44:47.465261 #3166168-182940]  INFO -- : 2022-06-20T14:44:47+0200: [Worker(host:helpdesk.example.com pid:3166168)] Job SearchIndexJob [5a36bb28-be62-48d7-bfe9-8f4fbbdb7a54] from DelayedJob(default) with arguments: ["User", 587] (id=346588) (queue=default) RUNNING
I, [2022-06-20T14:44:47.502316 #3166168-182940]  INFO -- : 2022-06-20T14:44:47+0200: [Worker(host:helpdesk.example.com pid:3166168)] Job SearchIndexJob [5a36bb28-be62-48d7-bfe9-8f4fbbdb7a54] from DelayedJob(default) with arguments: ["User", 587] (id=346588) (queue=default) COMPLETED after 0.0369
I, [2022-06-20T14:44:47.504186 #3166168-182940]  INFO -- : 2022-06-20T14:44:47+0200: [Worker(host:helpdesk.example.com pid:3166168)] Job SearchIndexJob [0aeda8fe-3b8b-45fa-ac76-80f5accadb0c] from DelayedJob(default) with arguments: ["Organization", 12] (id=346589) (queue=default) RUNNING
I, [2022-06-20T14:44:47.546506 #3166168-182940]  INFO -- : 2022-06-20T14:44:47+0200: [Worker(host:helpdesk.example.com pid:3166168)] Job SearchIndexJob [0aeda8fe-3b8b-45fa-ac76-80f5accadb0c] from DelayedJob(default) with arguments: ["Organization", 12] (id=346589) (queue=default) COMPLETED after 0.0422

One of the tickets in the database which should have been affected by the Schedule:

zammad=# SELECT * FROM tickets WHERE id = 236;
-[ RECORD 1 ]----------------+------------------------
id                           | 236
group_id                     | 13
priority_id                  | 1
state_id                     | 3
organization_id              | 
number                       | 59236
title                        | some title äöüß625156
owner_id                     | 41
customer_id                  | 521
note                         | 
first_response_at            | 
first_response_escalation_at | 
first_response_in_min        | 
first_response_diff_in_min   | 
close_at                     | 
close_escalation_at          | 
close_in_min                 | 
close_diff_in_min            | 
update_escalation_at         | 
update_in_min                | 
update_diff_in_min           | 
last_contact_at              | 2022-06-20 11:17:09.156
last_contact_agent_at        | 
last_contact_customer_at     | 2022-06-20 11:17:09.156
last_owner_update_at         | 
create_article_type_id       | 5
create_article_sender_id     | 2
article_count                | 1
escalation_at                | 
pending_time                 | 
type                         | 
time_unit                    | 
preferences                  | 
updated_by_id                | 1
created_by_id                | 1
created_at                   | 2022-06-20 11:17:09.104
updated_at                   | 2022-06-20 11:17:09.18
content_class                | {}

Please let me know if I should submit a GitHub issue if this is actually a bug, and if I can provide any further info to help in troubleshooting or diagnosing the issue.

I have updated my Debian and Ubuntu testservers to 5.2.0-1655803594.29bf395d.bullseye and 5.2.0-1655823239.56c5f3a0.focal respectively and re-tested my schedule: it now runs and updates the tickets on both machines! :partying_face:

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So, uhm… in v5.2.0 PROD this still didn’t work as expected. I had to do the following to get the scheduler to actually process the tickets.

Danger Zone

The usual warnings apply, don’t do this unless you know what you’re doing, danger zone, etc, yadayadayada. If you don’t understand what this is doing, get professional support from Zammad and don’t complain if this wrecks your shit.

I still don’t understand why you didn’t use the rails console variant that would have done the same like your DB query but from application perspective. Any way, you got it solved.

I did try the console, but got this error. I am not fluent enough in Ruby to troubleshoot this, other than the update_all method may not exist anymore in 5.2.0? I still think your solution is better and is preferred to hacking away at the database.

Possibly it’s update only. Didn’t test the code, I thought I wrote that sorry.

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