Google Mail Migration


  • Used Zammad version: 5.2
  • Used Zammad installation type: package
  • Operating system: ubuntu 20.0.4
  • Browser + version: Version 102.0.5005.115 (Official Build)

Expected behavior:

  • Migrating email channel to google Oauth. Expected to have inbound and outbound emails from zammad.

Actual behavior:

  • Inbound works fine but emails can’t be sent from zammad - error message Can’t use Channel:Driver: :Smtp: #«Net::OpenTimeout:
    execution expired>

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  • Migrate email from channel to google oauth

Here are additional logs for this error -

I, [2022-06-18T12:45:33.372285 #706-40866500]  INFO -- : fetching imap ( port=993,ssl=true,starttls=false,folder=INBOX,keep_on_server=true,auth_type=XOAUTH2)
E, [2022-06-18T12:45:33.948275 #706-182660] ERROR -- : Can't use Channel::Driver::Smtp: #<Net::OpenTimeout: execution expired>
E, [2022-06-18T12:45:33.948415 #706-182660] ERROR -- : execution expired (Net::OpenTimeout)
lib/core_ext/net/smtp.rb:11:in `block in do_start'
lib/core_ext/net/smtp.rb:10:in `do_start'
app/models/channel/driver/smtp.rb:84:in `send'
app/models/channel.rb:257:in `deliver'
app/jobs/ticket_article_communicate_email_job.rb:56:in `perform'
app/models/scheduler.rb:378:in `block (3 levels) in worker'
app/models/scheduler.rb:376:in `block (2 levels) in worker'
app/models/scheduler.rb:372:in `loop'
app/models/scheduler.rb:372:in `block in worker'
E, [2022-06-18T12:45:33.990185 #706-182660] ERROR -- : Can't use Channel::Driver::Smtp: #<Net::OpenTimeout: execution expired>

Zammad uses port 587 for SMTP which may differ to the one you’ve used before.
Timeout basically means that the application is unable to reach the stated email server.

This most likely is caused by firewall restrictions.

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