Getting "-ERR Command is not valid in this state" when trying to connect to Exchange

  • Used Zammad version: 5.0.3
  • Used Zammad installation type: package on Debian 11

I am trying to set up the email connection to the inbox and get an error message “-ERR Command is not valid in this state.”.

I do not know what this error message is trying to tell me. Did anybody else get this when trying to connect to an Exchange 2016 server and has some guidance to offer on this case?

connecting to the same inbox using the same parameters via bash works fine

found the problem: zammad can not handle starttls on a nonstandard port (despite offering the port selection and checkbox for starttls).

using starttls on port 995 works. using starttls on port 110 gives the weird error.

we had to configure our loadbalancer to listen to pop3 on port 995 in addition to 110 to work around this behavior.

Edit: Wikipedia confirms the use of starttls on port 110 as valid: “An alternative is to use POP3 with STARTTLS for encryption. The communication takes place on the standard port 110.” -source

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