Filter is not working on specific mail-adresses


  • Used Zammad version: 6.2.0-1701867011.fdb4b0b7.jammy
  • Used Zammad installation type: (source, package, docker-compose, …) package
  • Operating system: Ubuntu Server 22.0.4
  • Browser + version: Microsoft Edge 120.0.2210.133

Expected behavior:

  • If incoming emails are sent from two different email addresses to a specific email address, then certain ticket fields should be assigned. (Despite using Regex or “Is one of”)

Actual behavior:

  • The filter set is ignored.

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

For the regex I used:


Hi @rsc.

Just guessing: From is more than just the address, this is why it’s not matching. Change it to be a regex as well and should work afterward.

OK, I tried again by using the regex and it worked. I am surprised because I am mainly using the regex filter and did before that, too.

@fliebe92 The filter “one of” or “none of” don’t seem to work at all?
Thanks for the help!

@rsc it does work, but it’s no regular expression. You have to put in the complete value. E.g. if an address is "Mr. Awesome" <>"you have to say From => is one of => "Mr. Awesome" <>".

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