Failed to run scheduled job 'Execute jobs'


  • Used Zammad version: 3.2
  • Used Zammad installation source: (source, package, …) rpm
  • Operating system: centos 7
  • Browser + version: mozilla firefox 71.0

Expected behavior:

  • no errors are displayed under monitoring tab

Actual behavior:

  • this error is displayed:
    Failed to run scheduled job ‘Execute jobs’. Cause: Failed to run after 10 tries #<RuntimeError: Use in selector, but no current_user is set {“operator”=>“is”, “pre_condition”=>“”, “value”=>"", “value_completion”=>""}>

I dont have any problems with that till now. But do I have to change something in my configuration or can I just ignore that message?

Smells like you’re using a scheduler with “current user”. Could you check, please? :slight_smile:

Could it be that a change in db/migrate/20190408000001_issue_2541_fix_notification_email_without_body.rb is responsible for that?
I had to change to a current user to migrate my database a few months ago

No, that shouldn’t be the case, as this migration only adds - to empty bodies to ensure they are not empty (and that the migration does not block the upgrade).

As I said, I am sure that you have a Scheduler Job that handles “current user IDs” and am curious about it’s configuration.

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