Buen dia a todos comunidad quiero de su grandiosa ayuda ya que soy nuevo en este blog de la comunida de Zammad y estoy usando la app, necesito saber unas configuraciones las cuales son las siguientes:
como plataforma estoy usando AWS y una instancia deservicio EC2 y pues a la hora de hacer toda la instalación de zammad automáticamente se instala también la BD de postgres, la pregunta es… Como puedo exportar esa base de datos la cual se instalo automaticamente por decirlo asi y ponerlo en un servicio de RDS en AWS, gracias espero em ayuden!!
Good morning everyone community I want your great help since I am new to this Zammad community blog and I am using the app, I need to know some configurations which are the following:
As a platform I am using AWS and an EC2 service instance and at the time of doing the entire zammad installation the postgres database is also automatically installed, the question is… How can I export that database which was installed automatically so to speak like this and put it in an RDS service on AWS? Thanks I hope you help me!!
We recently had to restore a backup into a new Postgres. Our process was similar to this:
# note: need to stop zammad service, but keep postgres running to perform the restore
# note: need to move the psql backup file to the new host, for example /var/tmp/zammad_backup/20230512220433_zammad_db.psql.gz
cd /var/tmp/zammad_backup
gunzip -k 20230512220433_zammad_db.psql.gz
psql -U zammad --command='CREATE DATABASE zammad_production'
psql -U zammad -d zammad_production < 20230512220433_zammad_db.psql