Error setting default ticket type on creation

  • Used Zammad version: 6.2
  • Used Zammad installation type: (docker-compose)
  • Operating system: Ubuntu 22.04
  • Browser + version: Chrome latest

Expected behavior:

following this I want to change the default ticket type to email on creation

Actual behavior:

root**@**container /docker/zammad # docker compose exec -u 0 -it zammad-railsserver bash

root@5a53498e6754:/opt/zammad# rails c

I, [2024-02-27T07:59:08.686428 #11232] INFO – : ActionCable is using the redis instance at redis://zammad-redis:6379.

I, [2024-02-27T07:59:08.697429#11232-6000] INFO – : Using memcached as Rails cache store.

I, [2024-02-27T07:59:08.697491#11232-6000] INFO – : Using the Redis back end for Zammad’s web socket session store.

Loading production environment (Rails 7.0.8)

[1] pry(main)> Setting.set(‘ui_ticket_create_default_type’, ‘email-out’)

RuntimeError: Can’t find config setting ‘ui_ticket_create_default_type’

from /opt/zammad/app/models/setting.rb:39:in `set’

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

above command on every execution

Hi @Doener. What happens if you submit a Setting.count?

sorry for the delayed answer

when I run your command

[3] pry(main)> Setting.count
=> 0

Hi @Doener. This means your database is empty, or you’re using the nulldb adapter and no database connection is established. Please check your docker-compose.yml and compare it to the upstream version, and make adjustment - if needed.

Hi @fliebe92 I’m using Zammad since several years and I have a total of four Zammad instances.
To debug this error I just executed the command on all instances, all with the same error. Either I’m using the command incorrectly or there is an underlaying problem here which I can not see.

All instances are using the current zammad-docker-compose/docker-compose.yml at master · zammad/zammad-docker-compose · GitHub docker-compose from the repository and are on the newest 6.2 version.

Maybe this helps.

thank you for the hint, unfortunately nothing changed

docker compose exec -it zammad-railsserver /bin/bash

zammad@14d4ba7f643e:~$ bin/rails c -e production
I, [2024-03-27T14:27:25.987658 #14482]  INFO -- : ActionCable is using the redis instance at redis://zammad-redis:6379.
I, [2024-03-27T14:27:25.995461#14482-6000]  INFO -- : Using memcached as Rails cache store.
I, [2024-03-27T14:27:25.995525#14482-6000]  INFO -- : Using the Redis back end for Zammad's web socket session store.
Loading production environment (Rails

[1] pry(main)> Setting.count
=> 0

What happens when you check the config/database.yml in the zammad-railsserver container?

this works though, however like stated in the Issue it is nowhere documented :frowning:

I executed the command like in the issue and the config got changed and everything works. Thanks for the help :slight_smile:

It is documented, see here (hint down below).

then excuse the oversight on my part :frowning:

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No worries, we’re here to help :slight_smile: