Error ID xyz due to email issue


  • Used Zammad version: 6.3.0-1713527245.bf4df2a1.jammy
  • Used Zammad installation type: package
  • Operating system: Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
  • Browser + version: Reproduceable on all Browsers (64-bit)

Expected behavior:

  • Registering new account, entering the info, and pressing ‘Create My Account’ should create the account.

Actual behavior:

  • Status Code 500
  • Error ID xyz (not these, but a series of letters specific to my installation)

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  • Attempt to Register to create an account
  • (As an admin) create an account for the user and attempt to login

After reading some other topics here, trying to find someone with an issue like mine, I did learn to check my production.log,

  • I setup Zammad to use my own email server for the initial email channel (notification).

When I entered in the settings for the email account I wanted Zammad to use,, I got the green light, which seemed to indicate to me my settings are correct.

The only user I’ve ever logged in was the initial admin user when I first setup Zammad a few days ago. I’ve not logged that user out yet until I could work through the issues I’ve had.

Using the initial admin account, I created a user as an Agent with an email.
The account seems to create just find, but I kept running into errors trying to log the user in.

So I decided to try to Register as a new customer.

Upon entering all the necessary info, I get the Status Code 500 and the Error ID message.

Checking the production log, I can see where it fails, but do not fully understand it.

I, [2024-04-26T00:31:52.049490#2073-148640]  INFO -- : Running job thread for 'Generate 'Session' data.' ( status is: sleep
I, [2024-04-26T00:31:52.049570#2073-148640]  INFO -- : Running job thread for 'Execute planned jobs.' ( status is: sleep
I, [2024-04-26T00:31:53.020801#2067-930140]  INFO -- : Completed 200 OK in 25069ms (Views: 0.3ms | ActiveRecord: 3.9ms | Allocations: 150866)
I, [2024-04-26T00:31:53.138892#2067-930140]  INFO -- : Started POST "/api/v1/message_receive" for at 2024-04-26 00:31:53 +0000
I, [2024-04-26T00:31:53.146411#2067-930140]  INFO -- : Processing by LongPollingController#message_receive as JSON
I, [2024-04-26T00:31:53.146477#2067-930140]  INFO -- :   Parameters: {"client_id"=>"992e35c7-f93e-442f-bbd8-b7787b28b3f2"}
I, [2024-04-26T00:31:55.713564#2067-4615040]  INFO -- : Started POST "/api/v1/users" for at 2024-04-26 00:31:55 +0000
I, [2024-04-26T00:31:55.719787#2067-4615040]  INFO -- : Processing by UsersController#create as JSON
I, [2024-04-26T00:31:55.719869#2067-4615040]  INFO -- :   Parameters: {"login"=>"", "firstname"=>"Dave", "lastname"=>"Bob", "email"=>"", "password"=>"[FILTERED]", "role_ids"=>[], "signup"=>tr                               ue, "id"=>"c-0"}
I, [2024-04-26T00:31:57.735620#2073-148700]  INFO -- : 2024-04-26T00:31:57+0000: [Worker(host:help pid:2073)] Job AvatarCreateJob [c959c751-6af4-4f1f-9928-a74929b677a0] from DelayedJob(default) with arguments: [{"_aj_globalid"=>"gid://za                               mmad/User/8"}] (id=18418) (queue=default) RUNNING
E, [2024-04-26T00:31:58.065427#2067-4615040] ERROR -- : Can't use Channel::Driver::Smtp: #<Net::SMTPFatalError: Net::SMTPFatalError>
E, [2024-04-26T00:31:58.065528#2067-4615040] ERROR -- : 554 5.7.1 <>: Recipient address rejected: Sender is not same as SMTP authenticate username
app/models/channel/driver/smtp.rb:98:in `deliver'
app/models/channel.rb:263:in `deliver'
lib/notification_factory/mailer.rb:172:in `deliver'
lib/notification_factory/mailer.rb:225:in `notification'
app/services/service/user/signup.rb:39:in `execute'
app/controllers/users_controller.rb:1024:in `create_signup'
app/controllers/users_controller.rb:98:in `create'
app/controllers/application_controller/has_download.rb:17:in `block (4 levels) in <module:HasDownload>'
app/controllers/application_controller/has_download.rb:16:in `block (3 levels) in <module:HasDownload>'
app/controllers/application_controller/has_download.rb:15:in `block (2 levels) in <module:HasDownload>'
app/controllers/application_controller/handles_transitions.rb:16:in `handle_transaction'
E, [2024-04-26T00:31:58.082588#2067-4615040] ERROR -- : Can't use Channel::Driver::Smtp: #<Net::SMTPFatalError: Net::SMTPFatalError> (Channel::DeliveryError)
app/models/channel.rb:289:in `handle_delivery_error!'
app/models/channel.rb:270:in `rescue in deliver'
app/models/channel.rb:251:in `deliver'
lib/notification_factory/mailer.rb:172:in `deliver'
lib/notification_factory/mailer.rb:225:in `notification'
app/services/service/user/signup.rb:39:in `execute'
app/controllers/users_controller.rb:1024:in `create_signup'
app/controllers/users_controller.rb:98:in `create'
app/controllers/application_controller/has_download.rb:17:in `block (4 levels) in <module:HasDownload>'
app/controllers/application_controller/has_download.rb:16:in `block (3 levels) in <module:HasDownload>'
app/controllers/application_controller/has_download.rb:15:in `block (2 levels) in <module:HasDownload>'
app/controllers/application_controller/handles_transitions.rb:16:in `handle_transaction'
E, [2024-04-26T00:31:58.084109#2067-4615040] ERROR -- : Error ID bTgia3w-: Can't use Channel::Driver::Smtp: #<Net::SMTPFatalError: Net::SMTPFatalError>
I, [2024-04-26T00:31:58.084370#2067-4615040]  INFO -- : Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 2364ms (Views: 0.1ms | ActiveRecord: 34.8ms | Allocations: 26524)
I, [2024-04-26T00:31:58.167638#2067-930140]  INFO -- : Completed 200 OK in 5021ms (Views: 3.6ms | ActiveRecord: 3.6ms | Allocations: 39777)
I, [2024-04-26T00:31:58.399710#2073-148700]  INFO -- : Can't fetch image for '' (maybe no avatar available), http code: 404
I, [2024-04-26T00:31:58.418320#2073-148700]  INFO -- : 2024-04-26T00:31:58+0000: [Worker(host:help pid:2073)] Job AvatarCreateJob [c959c751-6af4-4f1f-9928-a74929b677a0] from DelayedJob(default) with arguments: [{"_aj_globalid"=>"gid://za                               mmad/User/8"}] (id=18418) (queue=default) COMPLETED after 0.6826
I, [2024-04-26T00:31:58.501512#2067-930060]  INFO -- : Started POST "/api/v1/message_receive" for at 2024-04-26 00:31:58 +0000
I, [2024-04-26T00:31:58.506830#2067-930060]  INFO -- : Processing by LongPollingController#message_receive as JSON
I, [2024-04-26T00:31:58.506894#2067-930060]  INFO -- :   Parameters: {"client_id"=>"992e35c7-f93e-442f-bbd8-b7787b28b3f2"}

In this copied text above, I used a yahoo email I have, but previously, I used other emails from the same domain I have zammad’s notification email channel setup on.

The first visible error above seems to say, "Can’t use Channel::Driver::Smtp: #<Net::SMTPFatalError: Net::SMTPFatalError>

Not sure if that means I can’t use the default notification channel as the email channel for account creation?

I believe subsequent errors are part of a domino effect starting at this error.

Thanks to anyone who has any insight on this.

You posted the answer to your question already.

This error message indicates what’s wrong with your setup.
The address you’re trying to send from does not match what the mailbox you’re trying ot use is allowed to use as froms.

See those two pages in the relevant order (the 2nd gives you context):

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Ah, thanks MrGeneration!

I now see what I did wrong.

When I first setup the email, I was planning on using my ‘’ only to decide later to change it to ‘helpdesk,’ but I never did change it on that other settings page.

Thanks for guiding me to find my mistake.

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