Error 500 | install package

Used Zammad version: 3.6
Used Zammad installation source: Package
Operating system: CentOS
Its about The official Zammad package for the SMS gateway,

After browse to sms77.rb when i click on install package, I redirect to the following page with Error 500

Sorry but we can’t help you with third party addons.
Please consult the addon vendor if this error is raised because of the addon.

Yes, Understand. I am in contact with the addon developer. Just interest to know, Is it possible the issue related with some missed configuration on my zammad side?
Is there any sample/test package that i install for health test of my zammad?

Sorry, I can’t answer that question.

There’s no such script or addon.
The most important things should be alerting on Zammads monitoring endpoint, see: Monitoring — Zammad Admin Documentation documentation

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