Erorr 500 zammad helpdesk

Dear team,

I am getting error like this:

StatusCode: 500

{“error”:“Unable to process GET request to elasticsearch URL ‘http://helpdesk-it:9200/HELPDESK-IT_zammad_production/Ticket/_search’. Elasticsearch is not reachable, probably because it’s not running or even installed.\n\nResponse:\n#\u003cUserAgent::Result:0x0000563e93f40ec0 @success=false, @body=nil, @data=nil, @code=0, @content_type=nil, @error=”#\u003cErrno::ECONNREFUSED: Failed to open TCP connection to helpdesk-it:9200 (Connection refused - connect(2) for \“helpdesk-it\” port 9200)\u003e"\u003e\n\nPayload:\n{:query=\u003e{:bool=\u003e{:must=\u003e[{:range=\u003e{“created_at”=\u003e{:from=\u003e"2019-10-31T18:30:00Z", :to=\u003e"2019-11-30T18:29:59Z"}}}], :must_not=\u003e[{:term=\u003e{“state”=\u003e"merged"}}]}}, :size=\u003e0, :aggs=\u003e{:time_buckets=\u003e{:date_histogram=\u003e{:field=\u003e"created_at", :interval=\u003e"day", :time_zone=\u003e"Asia/Kolkata"}}}}\n\nPayload size: 0M"}

Please update your first article with this template:

* Used Zammad version: 
* Used Zammad installation source: (source, package, ...)
* Operating system: 
* Browser + version: 

### Expected behavior:


### Actual behavior:


### Steps to reproduce the behavior:


Besides, this is the issue you have:

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