I need the ticketing system to present an agent with a step-by-step procedure where they have to answer each step in order to proceed to the next step. How best to implement this in Zammad?
This is not possible with Zammad.
Thank you very much for your reply, Andreas.
Do you know of any other products which might provide this functionality?
No sorry, I don’t have a recommendation for you.
@wenk you can use the REST API for it. You need to provide the GUI yourself.
It could also be possible with the usage of object attributes / trigger (maybe scheduler) and core workflow to build a process.
@wenk : We have done this and it is not that hard. Just create several objects (tree select for example). Only show the first one and hide the other ones. Depending on the choice in the first object, show the other ones step by step.
EDIT: Sorry, this is for customers of course. I obviously misunderstood the question…
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