Emails between different groups within one zammad instance


  • Used Zammad version: 2.9
  • Used Zammad installation source: (source, package, …) package
  • Operating system: Ubuntu 18.04
  • Browser + version: Any

Within my zammad-instance I have set up spaces for two different departements of my organisation by configuring a separate group and roles for the agent’s. Agent’s of both groups have only access to their own departement’s tickets.

Everything works fine, except this one scenario: when these two departements email each other thru zammad, the email does not reach the group where it should arrive thru email-address assignment, but it is automatically attached to the sender’s ticket (I guess because zammad see’s the ticket number in the mails subject).

How can I handle this scnario?

or same issue approached from another direction: what is the supposed method for separate teams (groups) within one organisation to email each other thru Zammad, where both of them keep the information in their own tickets?

Zammad tries at any cost to ensure you’re not sending to groups (so “Zammad sending to itself”).

The only (and in my opinion even better) way would be to assign the other group to the ticket.
This can be done with creation right only, without your agents being able to see the other tickets (or being assigned if they don’t have full rights).

Right now it’s not possible to be agent and customer of other groups at the moment.
This is a feature request already, you can find (and if wanted support) it here:

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