Email notification to ticket owner at the time of ticket assignment


  • Used Zammad version: 5.2
  • Used Zammad installation type: (source, package, docker-compose, …)
  • Operating system: debian
  • Browser + version: chrome

Expected behavior:

  • when agents create a ticket and assign it to any of the agent, that agent will receive the email notification.

Actual behavior:

  • After ticket has been created and then when we assign ticket o other agents, that agent receives the email notificaion. But when agent create ticket and assign that ticket o agent during the time of ticket creation, no email notification is sent.
    No email sent to ticket owner when owner is set during the time of ticket creation:

Email sent to ticket owner only when there is update in the ticket owner:

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

Why are you forcing emails on your agents they cannot turn off?
You are replicating a the default notification behavior Zammad already ships with…

System notifications can be customised by your agents and highly depend on their individual setting:

That’s imho the much cleaner way.

Your trigger can’t fire during ticket creation, because Zammad can’t differentiate that the owner “has changed” in that moment. There’s no previous value. The trigger doesn’t make sense during the ticket creation and thus is skipped.

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