eMail for every Notice, Comment or Action on a Ticket to Group eMail


  • Used Zammad version: 6.2
  • Used Zammad installation type: package
  • Operating system: Debian 12
  • Browser + version: Edge 121

Expected behavior:

  • we want an email for every “action” we do on a ticket. If we add a comment or an answer, we we would like a copy of that to the email address linked to the group.

Actual behavior:

  • eMails from customer goes to group email

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  • work with the ticket (add answer as agent and customer, add notice, switching prio, add tag)

We are new to zammd, switching from Spiceworks low-end helpdesk. Its the only feature we are missing and don´t get to work at our early tests so far.
Thanks for helping.

Maybe create a user with agent full access to all groups and set the email address of the user to the mailinglist address you want to inform. Then login via switch to user in the Admin → User and modify the Profile → Notifications settings matrix to let him get notified about all tickets via mail.

Alternatively you could play with triggers to inform a specific user about changes in specific groups.

Hi Rolf,
dont know why, but get kicked off community!
Creating an User and edit notification settings seems to do the job!
New trouble is, the user get inactive after a while and emails stop working.
Have to find out why.
Bit thanks so far Marc

Your account was removed because we were unable to send emails to the provided email address causing bounces.

@MrGeneration can´t see any problem… get the info about Rolfs answer which helped much. This was the last mail i get.
Asking me which kind of maills i am missig, because i cant see any at the mailwall. Still using same account and forwarder again… i dont want to cause any trouble. Think i will need the community bit more in future, because we are starting to use zammad at our company now.
Greetings from Ruhrgebiet/Germany

Yeah sorry I discarded these bounces over 3 hours ago and my ill head won’t help me to remember the exact NDR so.

@MrGeneration for communities i normaly do not use my company email account directly.
So i use a private account with a forward to company. I added a direct email as alternate email, may u can inform me on that way in case of problem next time. I know the pain of bouncing systems :smiley: so please give me a short hint and then kill my account (again) next time.
Regards Marc

Ah, “found” my problem with inactivating agent user. I used user for the email notifications that was not in the ad-synced groups for agents :wink:
May it is not a good idea to do it that way… we have to learn!

Because it is not my ticket anymore, all problems are solved at the moment. Thread could be marked as solved. Thanks.

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