Elasticsearch 7.6.0 and the Ingest-Attachment Broken


  • Used Zammad version: 3.2.0-1580110414.992e734c.bionic
  • Used Zammad installation source: (source, package, …) Ubuntu Repo
  • Operating system: Ubuntu 18.04 LTS
  • Browser + version: Firefox

Just a heads up. The ingest-attachment will fail to “rake” the data if Elasticsearch is updated to 7.6.0.

I have used both the Zammad and Elastsearch repos to “keep current” on versions and updates. This morning it burned me when elasticsearch updated from 7.5.2 -> 7.6.0.

The problem was identified in the Settings -> Monitoring tab.

I then consoled into the server and ran
sudo /usr/share/elasticsearch/bin/elasticsearch-plugin list
And received this error message.
WARNING: plugin [ingest-attachment] was built for Elasticsearch version 7.5.2 but version 7.6.0 is required.

To resolve the issue I used wget to download 7.5.2 and dpkg to install the .deb.

I then “raked” the data again. (sudo zammad run rake searchindex:rebuild)

I then disabled the Elasticsearch repo.

Hope that helps someone else out there that has the same issue.

This seems to be a combination of issues:

A very fresh new ES version (24 hours old…) with a not yet compatible addon, so it seems.

Besides, Zammad does not yet support Elasticsearch 7.6.
(See the end of: Zammad 3.2 is available )

Remove ES 7.6, install ES 7.5.x and ensure to purge it’s data directories (in case Zammad is the only system using it) and start from scratch in ES terms based on our documentation.

You then should be fine.

Edit: I should learn to read: Glad you could solve it on your own. :slight_smile:

Yesterday I got this issue too, but I was able to uninstall the ingest-attachment plugin and install the latest version. Since that rebuilding the search index is possible again.


I can confirm that.

As reminder (@stephecannon) on every elasticsearch update you need to remove and install the ingest-attachment too. This is not done by package update of your elasticsearch package (unfortunately).


sudo /usr/share/elasticsearch/bin/elasticsearch-plugin remove ingest-attachment
sudo /usr/share/elasticsearch/bin/elasticsearch-plugin install ingest-attachment

Restart elasticsearch and all should work fine again.

@jma Normally you do not need to rebuild the elasticsearch index (only if it’s required for elasticssearch or for Zammad - then you can read it in the release notes).


Addition to the above from Martini:
Normally our upgrade scripts to handle the reinstallation of the ingest-attachments automatically on package Installation.

The responsible script for this is /opt/zammad/contrib/packager.io/postinstall.sh. It also can be run after upgrading if needed, but normally shouldn’t be necessary at all.

The lines in charge are:

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