E-Mail Signature with empty user field


  • Used Zammad version: 6.4.1
  • Used Zammad installation type: package
  • Operating system: Debian

Expected behavior:

  • I extend the user object with a field: (Titel before Name, Titel after Name)
  • When i add the field to the User Signature and the Field for the User is empty it should only print nothing

Actual behavior:

  • In the Signature, if a field is empty it prints a “-”

Is there maybe a different way then #{user.titel1} to print without this “empty char”?

Best Regards,

Hi @ThePatzen.

Maybe this helps.

It would be great to have some if-else function. Something like

if "salutation" equals Frau then "Sehr geehrte Frau " else "Sehr geehrter Herr "