Duel mailboxes?


Im wondering if Zammad can support 2 different email inboxes? I would like to keep these tickets separate from each other and not funneled into one mailbox if possible.

Hi @Brian973. This should help by getting answers.

I will review, thank you

Looks like when connecting my email account it wants to import all the 1400 emails from my inbox. Is there a way around this? I just want any incoming emails from today going into Zammad

activate keep mails on server and it will only import unread mails.

The documentation would have told you about your options and warned you about defaults too.

Yes but the term “server” had me question if it was the Zammad server or Gmail. I would have opted for different verbiage within the documentation. But after further research going with Keep messages on the server: yes is what I want. Thanks

Where is basic user interface set up instructions? All I see on Youtube is integration videos.

The documentation should have you covered in all basics (if you’re not looking for use cases)


I’m just trying to set up a basic dashboard with overview, a labeled inbox or two. My interface is completely blank when I login except a couple icons at the bottom left. One with the gear and a bunch of tabs. Not seeing how start adding tabs in the left column.

For example how do you set up the basics like this?

Screenshot 2024-05-15 093827

Thats web administration thus admin-docs.
Look for overviews and learn what’s possible.

Thanks you[quote=“MrGeneration, post:12, topic:14290, full:true”]
Thats web administration thus admin-docs.
Look for overviews and learn what’s possible.

Thank you

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