Doubt about the SLA: Update time


  • Used Zammad version: zammad-4.1.0-1625039162.1dd474c4.centos7.x86_64
  • Used Zammad installation type: package
  • Operating system: Centos7
  • Browser + version: Chrome, Firefox

Expected behavior:

  • With each agent interaction the SLA timer (Update time) to start again.
  • Customer interactions do not reset the SLA timer.

Actual behavior:

  • Customer interactions (re)start the SLA timer.

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  • Create an SLA

  • Wait for a new ticket

  • Answer the ticket (public article)

  • Ask to the customer for a article

  • When the article arrives the SLA timer are set:

  • Answer the ticket (public article) and the SLA timer are set to nil:

I mean, I expect with each agent interaction the SLA timer to start again but it only restart with the customer interactions. Am I misunderstanding the concept of this SLA?


Update Time is broken at the moment. For more information watch this issue:

Thanks @rolfschmidt. Iā€™m going to follow this issue.

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