Docker-OTRS Import to fresh Zammad

Hey there,

I just installed a fresh version of zammad via Docker. Also our OTRS is running as Docker. OTRS is the newest 6.0 Version and both plugins are installed. I also have an api key available,

When trying to import OTRS in Zammad in Browser it just failed without and hint why.

I reinstalled a fresh installation of Zammad and tried the same via CLI: git:(master) ✗ docker exec -ti X_zammad-railsserver_1 bash
root@622deb9c4634:/opt/zammad# su zammad
zammad@622deb9c4634:~$ cd /opt/zammad
zammad@622deb9c4634:~$ rails c
I, [2020-03-15T19:21:16.675963 #36-47207568295380]  INFO -- : Setting.set('models_searchable', ["KnowledgeBase::Answer::Translation", "User", "Chat::Session", "Organization", "Ticket"])
Loading production environment (Rails
irb(main):001:0> Setting.set('import_otrs_endpoint', '')
I, [2020-03-15T19:21:43.596397 #36-47207568295380]  INFO -- : Setting.set('import_otrs_endpoint', "")
=> true
irb(main):002:0> Setting.set('import_otrs_endpoint_key', 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX')
I, [2020-03-15T19:21:50.625495 #36-47207568295380]  INFO -- : Setting.set('import_otrs_endpoint_key', "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX")
=> true
irb(main):003:0> Setting.set('import_mode', true)
I, [2020-03-15T19:21:56.143728 #36-47207568295380]  INFO -- : Setting.set('import_mode', true)
=> true
irb(main):004:0> Import::OTRS.start
I, [2020-03-15T19:22:01.021275 #36-47207568295380]  INFO -- : thread#-: Start import...
I, [2020-03-15T19:22:01.027164 #36-47207568295380]  INFO -- : thread#-: POST:
I, [2020-03-15T19:22:01.027238 #36-47207568295380]  INFO -- : thread#-: PARAMS: {:Action=>"ZammadMigrator", :Key=>"XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"}
I, [2020-03-15T19:22:01.173285 #36-47207568295380]  INFO -- : thread#-: loading SysConfig...
I, [2020-03-15T19:22:01.173465 #36-47207568295380]  INFO -- : thread#-: POST:
I, [2020-03-15T19:22:01.173544 #36-47207568295380]  INFO -- : thread#-: PARAMS: {:Subaction=>"Export", :Object=>"SysConfig", :Limit=>"", :Offset=>"", :Diff=>0, :Action=>"ZammadMigrator", :Key=>"XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"}
I, [2020-03-15T19:22:01.427297 #36-47207568295380]  INFO -- : Setting.set('http_type', "http")
I, [2020-03-15T19:22:01.468076 #36-47207568295380]  INFO -- : Setting.set('organization', "Agentur Pottkinder")
I, [2020-03-15T19:22:01.487282 #36-47207568295380]  INFO -- : Setting.set('system_id', "46")
I, [2020-03-15T19:22:01.495910 #36-47207568295380]  INFO -- : Setting.set('ticket_hook', "Ticket#")
I, [2020-03-15T19:22:01.510073 #36-47207568295380]  INFO -- : Setting.set('ticket_number', "Ticket::Number::Date")
I, [2020-03-15T19:22:01.536700 #36-47207568295380]  INFO -- : Setting.set('ticket_number_date', {:checksum=>true})
I, [2020-03-15T19:22:01.537039 #36-47207568295380]  INFO -- : thread#-: loading DynamicField...
I, [2020-03-15T19:22:01.540403 #36-47207568295380]  INFO -- : thread#-: POST:
I, [2020-03-15T19:22:01.540471 #36-47207568295380]  INFO -- : thread#-: PARAMS: {:Subaction=>"Export", :Object=>"DynamicField", :Limit=>"", :Offset=>"", :Diff=>0, :Action=>"ZammadMigrator", :Key=>"XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"}
I, [2020-03-15T19:22:01.595984 #36-47207568295380]  INFO -- : thread#-: loading State...
I, [2020-03-15T19:22:01.596153 #36-47207568295380]  INFO -- : thread#-: POST:
I, [2020-03-15T19:22:01.596208 #36-47207568295380]  INFO -- : thread#-: PARAMS: {:Subaction=>"Export", :Object=>"State", :Limit=>"", :Offset=>"", :Diff=>0, :Action=>"ZammadMigrator", :Key=>"XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"}
I, [2020-03-15T19:22:01.640186 #36-47207568295380]  INFO -- : thread#-: ERROR: Server Error: #<Net::HTTPInternalServerError 500 Internal Server Error readbody=true>!
I, [2020-03-15T19:22:31.640709 #36-47207568295380]  INFO -- : thread#-: POST:
I, [2020-03-15T19:22:31.640768 #36-47207568295380]  INFO -- : thread#-: PARAMS: {:Subaction=>"Export", :Object=>"State", :Limit=>"", :Offset=>"", :Diff=>0, :Action=>"ZammadMigrator", :Key=>"XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"}
I, [2020-03-15T19:22:31.673859 #36-47207568295380]  INFO -- : thread#-: ERROR: Server Error: #<Net::HTTPInternalServerError 500 Internal Server Error readbody=true>!
I, [2020-03-15T19:23:16.674786 #36-47207568295380]  INFO -- : thread#-: POST:
I, [2020-03-15T19:23:16.674935 #36-47207568295380]  INFO -- : thread#-: PARAMS: {:Subaction=>"Export", :Object=>"State", :Limit=>"", :Offset=>"", :Diff=>0, :Action=>"ZammadMigrator", :Key=>"XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"}
I, [2020-03-15T19:23:16.723965 #36-47207568295380]  INFO -- : thread#-: ERROR: Server Error: #<Net::HTTPInternalServerError 500 Internal Server Error readbody=true>!
Traceback (most recent call last):
        9: from (irb):4
        8: from lib/import/otrs.rb:41:in `start'
        7: from lib/import/otrs.rb:160:in `updateable_objects'
        6: from lib/import/otrs.rb:71:in `import'
        5: from lib/import/otrs.rb:141:in `import_action'
        4: from lib/import/otrs/requester.rb:32:in `load'
        3: from lib/import/otrs/requester.rb:77:in `request_result'
        2: from lib/import/otrs/requester.rb:90:in `request_json'
        1: from lib/import/otrs/requester.rb:130:in `post'
RuntimeError (Zammad Migrator returned an error)

For me one possible problem can be Setting.set('http_type', "http") as we are using https on this URI. I also tried the containers name with http, but this did also not succeed.

I do not see any issues in the logs of OTRS.

Is someone able to help me here?

Have a nice evening,


Hey @bbringenberg - I’m happy to hear that you want to try Zammad :slight_smile: As I can see in the logs is that OTRS responds with an HTTP 500 Internal Server. Can you please check your OTRS (app/webserver/system) logs and provide more details about that error?

Hey ho,

thank you for your help! The last week was full of unplanned changes as you can guess so I was not able to work on this. If this it not solved in a few days it is not important, but I want to switch as OTRS feels to heavy for our small team.

We are using this docker image:

Where I was able to find those log files:

root@24e158b39062:/# find /opt/otrs -name "*log"
root@24e158b39062:/# find /var/log/ -name "*log"

None of those files did give me any hint when trying to do a new import of OTRS to Zammad. It failed at Zammad with the same errors but did not show anything in the logs of otrs.
OTRS log level looks like it is set to error ( not debug ), but not reporting any errors O.o.

Any Idea what a next step could be?

Have a nice weekend,


Hey @bbringenberg - I hope you’re all doing fine these days! Stay healthy :fist:

Unfortunately I have no experience with this Docker version of OTRS. I saw some remarks in the of the repository about accessing logs. There are not much details if these are actual application logs or just system logs. Anyhow, might be worth checking out.
Other than that there is a SysConfig called LogModule that defines where OTRS will place its logs. By default it’s the syslog. You can change it to a custom file and define it via the SysConfig LogModule::LogFile.

Hope this helps!

JFI: I’m currently on vacation so my respond times may vary. Maybe @rolfschmidt will find the time to help here, too.

Hey Thorsten,

than enjoy your vacation, we have no rush here =).

I have seen some progress here:

But it also failed:

zammad-scheduler_1      | I, [2020-03-23T16:31:05.075792 #1-46961640138160]  INFO -- : thread#-: PARAMS: {:Subaction=>"Export", :Object=>"Priority", :Limit=>"", :Offset=>"", :Diff=>0, :Action=>"ZammadMigrator", :Key=>"placeholder2"}
zammad-scheduler_1      | I, [2020-03-23T16:31:05.215382 #1-46961640138160]  INFO -- : thread#-: update Ticket::Priority.find_by(id: 1)
zammad-scheduler_1      | I, [2020-03-23T16:31:05.234932 #1-46961640138160]  INFO -- : thread#-: update Ticket::Priority.find_by(id: 2)
zammad-scheduler_1      | I, [2020-03-23T16:31:05.252227 #1-46961640138160]  INFO -- : thread#-: update Ticket::Priority.find_by(id: 3)
zammad-scheduler_1      | I, [2020-03-23T16:31:05.269305 #1-46961640138160]  INFO -- : thread#-: add Ticket::Priority.find_by(id: 4)
zammad-scheduler_1      | I, [2020-03-23T16:31:05.306517 #1-46961640138160]  INFO -- : thread#-: add Ticket::Priority.find_by(id: 5)
zammad-scheduler_1      | I, [2020-03-23T16:31:05.347776 #1-46961640138160]  INFO -- : thread#-: loading Queue...
zammad-scheduler_1      | I, [2020-03-23T16:31:05.348031 #1-46961640138160]  INFO -- : thread#-: POST:
zammad-scheduler_1      | I, [2020-03-23T16:31:05.348246 #1-46961640138160]  INFO -- : thread#-: PARAMS: {:Subaction=>"Export", :Object=>"Queue", :Limit=>"", :Offset=>"", :Diff=>0, :Action=>"ZammadMigrator", :Key=>"placeholder2"}
zammad-scheduler_1      | I, [2020-03-23T16:31:05.390179 #1-46961640138160]  INFO -- : thread#-: ERROR: Server Error: #<Net::HTTPInternalServerError 500 Internal Server Error readbody=true>!
zammad-scheduler_1      | I, [2020-03-23T16:31:08.976053 #1-46961635799780]  INFO -- : execute Channel.fetch (try_count 0)...
zammad-scheduler_1      | I, [2020-03-23T16:31:08.981814 #1-46961635799780]  INFO -- : ended Channel.fetch took: 0.021406112 seconds.
zammad-scheduler_1      | I, [2020-03-23T16:31:28.780097 #1-46961636816660]  INFO -- : execute Import::OTRS.diff_worker (try_count 0)...
zammad-scheduler_1      | I, [2020-03-23T16:31:28.780909 #1-46961636816660]  INFO -- : thread#-: Start diff...
zammad-scheduler_1      | I, [2020-03-23T16:31:28.781059 #1-46961636816660]  INFO -- : thread#-: loading State...
zammad-scheduler_1      | I, [2020-03-23T16:31:28.781254 #1-46961636816660]  INFO -- : thread#-: POST:
zammad-scheduler_1      | I, [2020-03-23T16:31:28.781364 #1-46961636816660]  INFO -- : thread#-: PARAMS: {:Subaction=>"Export", :Object=>"State", :Limit=>"", :Offset=>"", :Diff=>0, :Action=>"ZammadMigrator", :Key=>"placeholder2"}
zammad-scheduler_1      | I, [2020-03-23T16:31:28.840790 #1-46961636816660]  INFO -- : thread#-: ERROR: Server Error: #<Net::HTTPInternalServerError 500 Internal Server Error readbody=true>!
zammad-scheduler_1      | I, [2020-03-23T16:31:35.390579 #1-46961640138160]  INFO -- : thread#-: POST:
zammad-scheduler_1      | I, [2020-03-23T16:31:35.390754 #1-46961640138160]  INFO -- : thread#-: PARAMS: {:Subaction=>"Export", :Object=>"Queue", :Limit=>"", :Offset=>"", :Diff=>0, :Action=>"ZammadMigrator", :Key=>"placeholder2"}
zammad-scheduler_1      | I, [2020-03-23T16:31:35.455759 #1-46961640138160]  INFO -- : thread#-: ERROR: Server Error: #<Net::HTTPInternalServerError 500 Internal Server Error readbody=true>!
zammad-scheduler_1      | I, [2020-03-23T16:31:38.762412 #1-46961583949240]  INFO -- : Scheduler running...
zammad-scheduler_1      | I, [2020-03-23T16:31:38.775594 #1-46961583949240]  INFO -- : Running job thread for 'Check streams for Channel' ( status is: sleep
zammad-scheduler_1      | I, [2020-03-23T16:31:38.775783 #1-46961583949240]  INFO -- : Running job thread for 'Generate Session data' ( status is: sleep
zammad-scheduler_1      | I, [2020-03-23T16:31:38.776102 #1-46961583949240]  INFO -- : Running job thread for 'Process escalation tickets' (Ticket.process_escalation) status is: sleep
zammad-scheduler_1      | I, [2020-03-23T16:31:38.776239 #1-46961583949240]  INFO -- : Running job thread for 'Check Channels' (Channel.fetch) status is: sleep
zammad-scheduler_1      | I, [2020-03-23T16:31:38.776369 #1-46961583949240]  INFO -- : Running job thread for 'Import OTRS diff load' (Import::OTRS.diff_worker) status is: sleep
zammad-scheduler_1      | I, [2020-03-23T16:31:38.777949 #1-46961583949240]  INFO -- : Running job thread for 'Execute jobs' ( status is: sleep
zammad-scheduler_1      | I, [2020-03-23T16:31:39.009452 #1-46961635799780]  INFO -- : execute Channel.fetch (try_count 0)...
zammad-scheduler_1      | I, [2020-03-23T16:31:39.010613 #1-46961635799780]  INFO -- : ended Channel.fetch took: 0.025267035 seconds.
zammad-scheduler_1      | I, [2020-03-23T16:31:58.841826 #1-46961636816660]  INFO -- : thread#-: POST:
zammad-scheduler_1      | I, [2020-03-23T16:31:58.841998 #1-46961636816660]  INFO -- : thread#-: PARAMS: {:Subaction=>"Export", :Object=>"State", :Limit=>"", :Offset=>"", :Diff=>0, :Action=>"ZammadMigrator", :Key=>"placeholder2"}
zammad-scheduler_1      | I, [2020-03-23T16:31:58.907020 #1-46961636816660]  INFO -- : thread#-: ERROR: Server Error: #<Net::HTTPInternalServerError 500 Internal Server Error readbody=true>!
zammad-scheduler_1      | I, [2020-03-23T16:32:09.045147 #1-46961635799780]  INFO -- : execute Channel.fetch (try_count 0)...
zammad-scheduler_1      | I, [2020-03-23T16:32:09.046633 #1-46961635799780]  INFO -- : ended Channel.fetch took: 0.034460096 seconds.
zammad-scheduler_1      | I, [2020-03-23T16:32:20.456287 #1-46961640138160]  INFO -- : thread#-: POST:
zammad-scheduler_1      | I, [2020-03-23T16:32:20.456361 #1-46961640138160]  INFO -- : thread#-: PARAMS: {:Subaction=>"Export", :Object=>"Queue", :Limit=>"", :Offset=>"", :Diff=>0, :Action=>"ZammadMigrator", :Key=>"placeholder2"}
zammad-scheduler_1      | I, [2020-03-23T16:32:20.492529 #1-46961640138160]  INFO -- : thread#-: ERROR: Server Error: #<Net::HTTPInternalServerError 500 Internal Server Error readbody=true>!
zammad-scheduler_1      | E, [2020-03-23T16:32:20.492689 #1-46961640138160] ERROR -- : Zammad Migrator returned an error (RuntimeError)
zammad-scheduler_1      | /opt/zammad/lib/import/otrs/requester.rb:130:in `post'
zammad-scheduler_1      | /opt/zammad/lib/import/otrs/requester.rb:90:in `request_json'
zammad-scheduler_1      | /opt/zammad/lib/import/otrs/requester.rb:77:in `request_result'
zammad-scheduler_1      | /opt/zammad/lib/import/otrs/requester.rb:32:in `load'
zammad-scheduler_1      | /opt/zammad/lib/import/otrs.rb:141:in `import_action'
zammad-scheduler_1      | /opt/zammad/lib/import/otrs.rb:71:in `import'
zammad-scheduler_1      | /opt/zammad/lib/import/otrs.rb:162:in `updateable_objects'
zammad-scheduler_1      | /opt/zammad/lib/import/otrs.rb:41:in `start'
zammad-scheduler_1      | /opt/zammad/lib/import/otrs/async.rb:27:in `start_bg'
zammad-scheduler_1      | /usr/local/bundle/gems/delayed_job-4.1.7/lib/delayed/performable_method.rb:26:in `perform'
zammad-scheduler_1      | /usr/local/bundle/gems/delayed_job-4.1.7/lib/delayed/backend/base.rb:81:in `block in invoke_job'
zammad-scheduler_1      | /usr/local/bundle/gems/delayed_job-4.1.7/lib/delayed/lifecycle.rb:61:in `block in initialize'
zammad-scheduler_1      | /usr/local/bundle/gems/delayed_job-4.1.7/lib/delayed/lifecycle.rb:66:in `execute'
zammad-scheduler_1      | /usr/local/bundle/gems/delayed_job-4.1.7/lib/delayed/lifecycle.rb:40:in `run_callbacks'
zammad-scheduler_1      | /usr/local/bundle/gems/delayed_job-4.1.7/lib/delayed/backend/base.rb:78:in `invoke_job'
zammad-scheduler_1      | /usr/local/bundle/gems/delayed_job-4.1.7/lib/delayed/worker.rb:230:in `block (2 levels) in run'
zammad-scheduler_1      | /usr/local/lib/ruby/2.5.0/timeout.rb:93:in `block in timeout'
zammad-scheduler_1      | /usr/local/lib/ruby/2.5.0/timeout.rb:103:in `timeout'
zammad-scheduler_1      | /usr/local/bundle/gems/delayed_job-4.1.7/lib/delayed/worker.rb:230:in `block in run'
zammad-scheduler_1      | /usr/local/lib/ruby/2.5.0/benchmark.rb:308:in `realtime'
zammad-scheduler_1      | /usr/local/bundle/gems/delayed_job-4.1.7/lib/delayed/worker.rb:229:in `run'
zammad-scheduler_1      | /usr/local/bundle/gems/delayed_job-4.1.7/lib/delayed/worker.rb:312:in `block in reserve_and_run_one_job'
zammad-scheduler_1      | /usr/local/bundle/gems/delayed_job-4.1.7/lib/delayed/lifecycle.rb:61:in `block in initialize'
zammad-scheduler_1      | /usr/local/bundle/gems/delayed_job-4.1.7/lib/delayed/lifecycle.rb:66:in `execute'
zammad-scheduler_1      | /usr/local/bundle/gems/delayed_job-4.1.7/lib/delayed/lifecycle.rb:40:in `run_callbacks'
zammad-scheduler_1      | /usr/local/bundle/gems/delayed_job-4.1.7/lib/delayed/worker.rb:312:in `reserve_and_run_one_job'
zammad-scheduler_1      | /usr/local/bundle/gems/delayed_job-4.1.7/lib/delayed/worker.rb:213:in `block in work_off'
zammad-scheduler_1      | /usr/local/bundle/gems/delayed_job-4.1.7/lib/delayed/worker.rb:212:in `times'
zammad-scheduler_1      | /usr/local/bundle/gems/delayed_job-4.1.7/lib/delayed/worker.rb:212:in `work_off'
zammad-scheduler_1      | /opt/zammad/app/models/scheduler.rb:372:in `block (3 levels) in worker'
zammad-scheduler_1      | /usr/local/lib/ruby/2.5.0/benchmark.rb:308:in `realtime'
zammad-scheduler_1      | /opt/zammad/app/models/scheduler.rb:370:in `block (2 levels) in worker'
zammad-scheduler_1      | /opt/zammad/app/models/scheduler.rb:366:in `loop'
zammad-scheduler_1      | /opt/zammad/app/models/scheduler.rb:366:in `block in worker'
zammad-scheduler_1      | /usr/local/bundle/gems/logging-2.2.2/lib/logging/diagnostic_context.rb:474:in `block in create_with_logging_context'
zammad-scheduler_1      | I, [2020-03-23T16:32:20.497912 #1-46961640138160]  INFO -- : 2020-03-23T16:32:20+0000: [Worker(host:6bbd14f527a7 pid:1)] Job Module#start_bg (id=15) COMPLETED after 183.4946
zammad-scheduler_1      | I, [2020-03-23T16:32:38.778607 #1-46961583949240]  INFO -- : Scheduler running...
zammad-scheduler_1      | I, [2020-03-23T16:32:38.792747 #1-46961583949240]  INFO -- : Running job thread for 'Check streams for Channel' ( status is: sleep
zammad-scheduler_1      | I, [2020-03-23T16:32:38.792880 #1-46961583949240]  INFO -- : Running job thread for 'Generate Session data' ( status is: sleep
zammad-scheduler_1      | I, [2020-03-23T16:32:38.793133 #1-46961583949240]  INFO -- : Running job thread for 'Process escalation tickets' (Ticket.process_escalation) status is: sleep
zammad-scheduler_1      | I, [2020-03-23T16:32:38.793285 #1-46961583949240]  INFO -- : Running job thread for 'Import OTRS diff load' (Import::OTRS.diff_worker) status is: sleep
zammad-scheduler_1      | I, [2020-03-23T16:32:38.793400 #1-46961583949240]  INFO -- : Running job thread for 'Check Channels' (Channel.fetch) status is: sleep
zammad-scheduler_1      | I, [2020-03-23T16:32:38.794450 #1-46961583949240]  INFO -- : Running job thread for 'Execute jobs' ( status is: sleep
zammad-scheduler_1      | I, [2020-03-23T16:32:39.068659 #1-46961635799780]  INFO -- : execute Channel.fetch (try_count 0)...
zammad-scheduler_1      | I, [2020-03-23T16:32:39.071113 #1-46961635799780]  INFO -- : ended Channel.fetch took: 0.022331151 seconds.
zammad-scheduler_1      | I, [2020-03-23T16:32:43.907434 #1-46961636816660]  INFO -- : thread#-: POST:
zammad-scheduler_1      | I, [2020-03-23T16:32:43.907531 #1-46961636816660]  INFO -- : thread#-: PARAMS: {:Subaction=>"Export", :Object=>"State", :Limit=>"", :Offset=>"", :Diff=>0, :Action=>"ZammadMigrator", :Key=>"placeholder2"}
zammad-scheduler_1      | I, [2020-03-23T16:32:43.934325 #1-46961636816660]  INFO -- : thread#-: ERROR: Server Error: #<Net::HTTPInternalServerError 500 Internal Server Error readbody=true>!
zammad-scheduler_1      | E, [2020-03-23T16:32:43.934492 #1-46961636816660] ERROR -- : execute Import::OTRS.diff_worker (try_count 0) exited with error #<RuntimeError: Zammad Migrator returned an error> in: 75.165112606 seconds.
zammad-scheduler_1      | I, [2020-03-23T16:32:44.987706 #1-46961636816660]  INFO -- : execute Import::OTRS.diff_worker (try_count 1)...
zammad-scheduler_1      | I, [2020-03-23T16:32:44.988075 #1-46961636816660]  INFO -- : thread#-: Start diff...
zammad-scheduler_1      | I, [2020-03-23T16:32:44.988194 #1-46961636816660]  INFO -- : thread#-: loading State...
zammad-scheduler_1      | I, [2020-03-23T16:32:44.988399 #1-46961636816660]  INFO -- : thread#-: POST:
zammad-scheduler_1      | I, [2020-03-23T16:32:44.988526 #1-46961636816660]  INFO -- : thread#-: PARAMS: {:Subaction=>"Export", :Object=>"State", :Limit=>"", :Offset=>"", :Diff=>0, :Action=>"ZammadMigrator", :Key=>"placeholder2"}
zammad-scheduler_1      | I, [2020-03-23T16:32:45.051956 #1-46961636816660]  INFO -- : thread#-: ERROR: Server Error: #<Net::HTTPInternalServerError 500 Internal Server Error readbody=true>!

On top of my screenshot now is written: Zammad Migrator returned an error.
What I see in OTRS log is only

[Mon Mar 23 17:29:12 2020][Error][Kernel::System::CommunicationLog::_LogError][538] CommunicationLog(ID:2254297,AccountType:-,AccountID:-,Direction:Incoming,Transport:Email,ObjectLogType:Connection,ObjectLogID:2272198)::Kernel::System::MailAccount::IMAPTLS => IMAPTLS: Can't connect to 2 NO [AUTHENTICATIONFAILED] Authentication failed.

Any more hint how to get more debugging output?

Have a nice day,


Hey there,

me once again =). Are you able to tell me if I am able to import an OTRS also after I initially used Zammad?

Have a nice eastern,


You can’t import OTRS within a used Zammad.

Edit: What you can do is a differential import from OTRS if you have a migration from OTRS that was successfull before.

Hey there,

I was able to import all Data and now need to find myself through Zammad =).

All I needed to do is repair OTRS. Even if I did not know, I enabled debug mode in the logs and found three errors ( one of them was a mysql index problem ) which I resolved.
After that all went without a problem.

Thanks for your help!



Awesome! Glad you could solve your issue!

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