Detailed Notification Settings


we would like see an enhancement within notification settings. It would be nice to be able to set all four notifcation groups (new ticket, update ticket, reminder reached, eslacated) per group. Currently it is “only” possible to disable all messages for a specfic topic (except of own tickets) per group. Reason behind: mabe you want only to receive escalations for a group to control them or to assist as a backup for that group. New tickets and updates would not be within an interest for you and should not send notifications. With the current solution that is not possible. Example: person a is part of sales but should get notificated if tickets within development department get escalated, but should not recieve notifications for new tickets in that group. Currently he would get all notifications for that group or non if he activates to be notificated for “non assigned” or “all tickets”. Hope this wasn’t confusing. :slight_smile:

Current lookalike:
my tickets not assigned* all tickets*
new ticket x x 0
ticket update x x 0
ticket remind. x x 0
ticket escalatio x x x

*limit groups
default x
sales x
pd x
dev 0

My suggestion:
-my tickets
new ticket x
ticket update x
ticket remind. x
ticket escalatio x

-Group def
not assigned all tickets
new ticket x 0
ticket update x 0
ticket remind. x 0
ticket escalatio x 0

-Group sales
not assigned all tickets
new ticket x x
ticket update x 0
ticket remind. x 0
ticket escalatio x 0

-Group pd
not assigned all tickets
new ticket x 0
ticket update x 0
ticket remind. x 0
ticket escalatio x x

-Group dev
not assigned all tickets
new ticket x 0
ticket update x 0
ticket remind. x 0
ticket escalatio x x

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