For some debugging we had to create 50+ test tickets, which we really would like to completely delete from Zammad, statistics ecc. ecc. Deleting Records — Zammad documentation mentions, that tickets can be deleted with the following commands in the Rails console:
But: How can I find the “database ID” of a specific ticket?
It’s the ticket ID. You can search your tickets by attributes. If you type something like this in the rails console, then you should get the ticket information of that particular ticket.
Ticket.find_by(“title”:“Title of your ticket”)
On the terminal you should get something like this:
@dvnkln please make your answer fool proof and put it into clear spoiler warning tags.
For the own safety of our precious copy cats that don’t understand the scope.
Thank for your very helpful answers @PurpleShirt and @dvnkln. Both solve my problem, but unfortunately I can only set one post as solution . We are already successfully deleting obsolete test tickets, using a combined approach