Delete tickets specifiquing date


  • Used Zammad version: 5.0.3
  • Used Zammad installation type: package
  • Operating system: Ubuntu 20.04
  • Browser + version: Chrome

I would like to know how to delete some tickets, but the idea is to create a filter with the date range, I mean, If I want to delete tickets closed 2 years ago, is it possible? And I mean about the commandos on the linux with rails, I made some tests with delete some tickets with the id ticket, but daily Zammad create a lot of tickets, and sometimes there are tickets that I don’t want to save on Zammad cause is spam for example. Or maybe other thing is make a filter based on the tags, for example, and only delete that tickets after 3 months maybe.

@JDRodriguez Were you able to figure out how to delete tickets?

Scheduler within zammad will do this for you. you can set many parameters.

I find tags to be a very powerful tool. tags can be added with triggers and scheduler can delete the tagged tickets at your preferred interval, date range etc


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