I think having the option to a default template for new tickets would be cool.
Right now, if a user creates a new ticket through the web-interface, he enters any information in a unstructured way. Which and how much Information he provides depends on his personal knowledge in „creating tickets“.
Compared to the way you do when I create an issue in github, I would like to give the customer some „guidance“ when he creates the ticket.
###please provide us the following information###
###„What is the error you see?“###
###Which Software or hardware is affected?###
###which steps do we need to do to reproduce the error?###
In my opinion if the customer has some guidline in the ticket what the agent expects and which information he needs, will improve the „quality“ of the created tickets.
And this will reduce the number of requests and follow ups from the agents to solve the tickets.
As a quick and dirty solution if would be ok to edit the default template by creating and editing a file in the filesystem.
A perfekt solution would be, if the definition of the default ticket template would be configurable in the ui by administration.
And even better, if each group could have it‘s individual text template for new tickets.
What do you think?