Default a Ticket Field value based on another field Core Workflow or Trigger


  • Used Zammad version: 5.0.x
  • Used Zammad installation type: (source, package, docker-compose, …) Package
  • Operating system: Ubuntu 20

I defaulted type to “Trouble Ticket”. I would like to set the group of any type = “Trouble Ticket” to “Professional Services”. I created a core workflow with context = creation mask , selected conditions = type is trouble ticket and Action = Group set fixed to Professional Services

Upon ticket creation the type is indeed set to trouble ticket but the group remains as “-”

Am I using Core workflows incorrectly? How can I accomplish the above?

I tried making a trigger and that didn’t seem to work either

Regarding your workflow:
“Set fixed to” does not select a value, it reduces the available options. I use this together with groups. Select one group and have a set of available options, select another group and have different options.
What you want to do is add “Group” a second time with the action “select” and then mark “Professional Services”. This way it is preselected and the list only contains this group so it can’t be changed to something else.

Regarding your trigger:
Triggers only react to something happening like the creation of a new ticket, an update, status change, whatever. In your trigger you don’t check for what is happening. You have to add “Action” “is” “created” to have this trigger do something when a new ticket is created.


@awedor Thank you so much

I changed the trigger to action is created, type is trouble ticket then I added execute changes on object group professional services

but Its sill not populating

I like that set to limits the selection options to the one value. the Group with action select is not preselecting it

adding Group Select professional Services and Group Auto select seems to have d did the trick

Thank you for pointing me in the right direction

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