Debian buster packages


Is it planned to have zammad packages for debian buster, that is out for a few months now ?


Sorry, we currently can’t give you any further ETAs on this topic.

Hi @maaathieu welcome to the community! We’re on it and let you know once we will provide Buster support :+1:

Hi @thorsteneckel, @MrGeneration

Ok, thanks, I’ll try them when they are avaible then

Hey @maaathieu. I wanted to let you know that the Debian package for stable and develop will be ready in about 30 minutes from now :slight_smile:

Hi @thorsteneckel
I gave it a try, but I have issues. The package installed well, but I had an error concerning a mysql connection error. So I created manually the zammad database/user, configures the file /opt/zammad/config/database.yml accordingly and then “dpkg-reconfigure zammad”, to populate the database.
Now I can access the gui, but I can’t create the first user.
The first try, I had in the log “Can’t find config setting ‘system_init_done’”, and now “ERROR – : Email address is already used for other user. (Exceptions::UnprocessableEntity)”
In the database, the use is created (with a NULL password), but zammad does not seem to know it’s configured.
Any idea ?


Best regards


Beforehand, please provide the following information to help you better:

* Used Zammad version: 
* Used Zammad installation source: (source, package, ...)
* Used database server: 
* Operating system: 
* Browser + version: 

### Expected behavior:


### Actual behavior:


### Steps to reproduce the behavior:


Hi @MrGeneration

I think I found the issue: my mysql root account used the native mysql auth plugin. I tried a new install with a root account using the unix socket base auth, and now everything works.



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You might want to consider not using your root user for the Zammad runtime.
It’d be better and saver to use a non privileged user.

zammad runtime use a zammad user limited to the zammad database. the root account is only used during the installation of the deb package, to create the zammad user and database.

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