Customer role can't see all groups


  • Used Zammad version: 6.3.1
  • Used Zammad installation type: package
  • Operating system: Windows 11 (Client), Debian Bookworm (Server)
  • Browser + version: Tested it with Microsoft Edge and Chrome

Expected behavior:

  • Customers see all groups

Actual behavior:

  • People who only have the customer role can’t see all groups while creating a new ticket. Strangely, they only see the groups that they already have send a ticket to in the past. After they change another field like status, all groups show up.

At first I thought that it’s a problem with a core workflow, but the problem persists after disabling them all. Does this maybe have something to do with the reworked selection for the “Parent Group” feature? We currently don’t use it at all. Also in the “Web” Settings no special selections are set for visible groups, so it should show all.

Hi @SunnyTxt.

What’s the output of zammad run rails r "Setting.get('customer_ticket_create_group_ids')"?

Hi @fliebe92,
I don’t get any output when I enter the command.

Damn, my mistake.

Correct command: zammad run rails r "puts Setting.get('customer_ticket_create_group_ids')"

Still get an empty output.

This is not possible.

Maybe you could check Console — Zammad System Documentation documentation, start a Rails console as described and execute the command above again.

When there is no output, please, do this one: Setting.find_by(name: 'customer_ticket_create_group_ids')

Don’t realy know why i didnt try this yet, but I just selected all groups in the “Settings” > “Web” > “Group selection for Ticket creation” and this solves the problem. After that I also tried your command again and it outputs the numbers for the groups. Then i reversed the change and the output is empty again. But the description clearly states “No selection means all groups are available.”. There is something wrong with the Setting.

Please, post a screenshot of the commands I sent to you earlier.

here are both commands while i have manually added the groups in the Settings menu, when they are empty i just dont get an output:

The output is the same when i start a rails console and enter the commands that way.

You could try to reset the setting and test it again with zammad run rails r "Setting.reset('customer_ticket_create_group_ids')".

After trying the reset the output of “Settings.get…” is just empty again. Fortunately the workaround with putting the groups manually in works for us. But does no one else have this problem?

As I said, it works fine for me… no idea, sorry.