Is it possible to have the Customer sidebar be populated by info from a remote api call instead of from local data? So we could make a call to our CRM with the email address as the key to get various information about the customer and display it in the sidebar?
You could add a new sidebar like this:
class SidebarCustom extends App.Controller
sidebarItem: =>
@item = {
name: 'Custom'
badgeIcon: 'templates'
sidebarHead: __('Custom')
sidebarCallback: @showCustom
shown: ->
@showCustom(undefined, true)
showCustom: (el, load = false) =>
@elSidebar = el if el
return if !load
console.log('sidebar data', @ticket)
id: "Custom_#{}"
type: 'GET'
url: "#{@apiPath}/tickets/#{}"
processData: true
success: (data, status, xhr) =>
console.log('endpoint data ', data)
@elSidebar.html('<p>Custom information for customer id ' + @ticket.customer_id + '</p>')
App.Config.set('310-Custom', SidebarCustom, 'TicketZoomSidebar')
You might get problems when you requesting remote urls because of the CSP I guess.
not sure how to edit it properly atm. You could also think about to add a new controller and proxy your data through that alternatively.
For packages there are some small tutorials here
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