Custom workflow

I wanted to know whether this is possible, or easy to implement on my own. We offer physical service in stores, and we are looking for a all-in-one solution.

The ideal flow:

  1. Customer creates a ticket of a broken item in a store, giving his physical address, selecting from a drop down the item(we would provide an item list per store from our API), and sets a date range when our technician can visit them.
  2. The agent redirects the request to a technician in the right area.
  3. The technician picks a specific date from the customer defined range.
  4. The customer green light it.

We have a couple developers, so if that is something interesting we could definetely contribute with the right guidance :slight_smile:

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This is possible with Core Workflows since Zammad 5.0 partly.
The problem is that there’s several requests (and if we’re picky technical questions) inside which is troublesome.

I believe what you’re actually missing is a ckecklist / todo functionality.
If that’s the case, subscribe this issue:

Other than that I’ll be closing the rest due to missing feedback from the community.