duplicate the existing and closed Ticket Panel.
Edit the Panel and go to the Tab “Transform” → Add Transforamtion.
Now add “Add field from caluclation” take the Mode “Binary operation”
Now you can calculate the difference between existing and closed Panels
Apologies for the delay in replying. Got busy with a few other things.
Do I need to set up a new Data source because I tried this and it didn’t work. The only fields I can choose from are Time and Count.
While I get your approach it’s not exactly possible with Grafana if you want to have exact numbers.
The reason for that is that your approach expects all tickets in the timespan you’re looking at always to be closed in time.
A simple sum up of all open tickets should be enough. However, as I mentioned above, it’s far from perfect.
Nevermind. I figured a way around the limitations of ElasticSearch. Just connect Grafana to the Zammad DB directly via the Postgresql connection.
Now I can do what I need to directly in Grafana using SQL statements and views.