Creating Elevated User for Remote Support


  • Used Zammad version: 5.2
  • Operating system: Win
  • Browser + version: Chrome/Firefox

We have a number of users at remote client locations who act as tier 1 support essentially and they want to see/edit/close their own orgs tickets. However, I am unable to find a way for them to have the ability to see all of their org without seeing all orgs in our client list. The elevated user can see all of their site and nothing else from the home page, however they can search any name or org and find things from outside. Is there a step I am missing or is this still an unobtainable feature?

Thank you

Upgrade to latest stable before anything else. Your Zammad version is more than 12 months old.

Thank you. I plan on upgrading soon, however, to your knowledge would updating provide the ability of a more elevated customer user?


My first suggestion is to set up a staging Zammad as a copy of your actual setup to try out different settings.

You can set up an overview with the condition to show only the current user organization ticket

In that case the specific agent can only see the tickets of their organization, but if all tickets land in the same group and the agents’ role have Full permission on the group, they will still be able to search for tickets of other users/orgs.

What I did is to set up a group for every single organization, and sort the tickets using core workflows. Then I set up a role for every organization and assigned that to the agents. This way the tickets are contained within a group and you can filter the access better.

You can read more about my use case here:

For a 2nd level agent, who manages more organization, you would need a specific role which has access to more groups. But again, it would take some trial to figure out the best setup (that’s why a staging setup is good), or you get in touch for professional support by Zammad: Professional Services | Zammad Workshops


Does this newer version have the support in my question?

Why are you refusing to keep your Zammad installation up to date and safe?

Sorry, not refusing to keep it up to date. I wasn’t aware of how out of date it was. I am just inquiring if the update you suggested to my original post proposes a solution or if my question is even possible.

MrGeneration has already recommended updating Zammad.
Then you could test yourself first to see if your problem has been solved. Then you could write another follow-up post and take up the issue again.

In my opinion, the prerequisite for support is always an up-to-date system.

I work with organizations, so I can set “Sharing organization”. But then all users of this organization see all tickets among each other.

Correct, in shared organization members can see all tickets i.e not a solution. You just sent a screenshot of something that even you know doesnt work for my original question, why? But thanks ill make sure to update, find that there is no solution, then re make a post. Sounds like great use of time.

Yes, the optimal solution would probably be to define an organization administrator (or whatever you want to call it) who sees all tickets of the organization.

I think this would certainly be a useful function which could be entered as a feature request :wink: