Conflict in internal email communication with Zammad


  • Used Zammad version: 6.1.0


Hello Zammad-Community,

We have noticed a strange behavior in Zammad and I hope you can help me with this.

We were inspired of the interview, which was sent with a zammad-newsletter a few month ago :slight_smile:
Ein Unternehmen ohne interne E-Mails - Axel Fischer - YouTube

We had converted the whole corporate-communication in our department from Outlook to Zammad, so we had add all Office-365 Accounts from our employees to Zammad.

This effects, that every mail, where sent to an employee automatically creates a ticket for this employee as their owner of the ticket.

Expected behavior:

  1. “Employee A” without Zammad sent a e-mail to 3 recipients, two of them works with the “Zammad-Outlook”-Implementation.
    → With this mail, two tickets were created (one for Employee B and one for Employee C)
  2. “Employee D” is answering to the mail (he answered with Outlook)
  3. The Mail which was sent from “Employee D” were in the ticket of Employee B and also in the ticket of Employee C, as a separate own post.

Actual behavior:

The Mail which was sent from “Employee D” were in the ticket of Employee B, but not in the ticket of Employee C.

I hope you can help me, with this!

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

see “expected behavior”

The technical problem most of the times is how the MTA handles these emails.

Are you keeping emails on the mail server or are they removed after fetching?
If they’re kept, it’s possible that -due to the same message ID- Zammad imported only one of the two mails (and that’s gambling mostly).

Zammad as a software hates this use case, because it always tries to have one comminucation ticket over several ones. This is also the case if you… let’s say answer to a ticket with a ticket number and CC another group - the CC will be “lost”.