Clearbit Integration


We do not sync our Zammad Users with LDAP. Every User was created after incomiong Mail. So we do have Name and E-Mail for every User, nothing more.
Looks like we need Clearbit integration.
I created a Clearbit Account, put API Key in Zammad Installation. Ready to go. It is working!
But, is it possible to sync all old users with clearbit? We are using Zammad for month so a lot of our daily customers are still in User-Database. It would be nice to use Clearbit for existing Users also.
Do anyone have an idea how to to this??

Thanks for your help!

You can (re-)sync every user by executing User.all.each { |user| } via the Zammad rails console. ATTENTION: This might take a while depending on the amount of users in your system. I’d recommend to just sync the users that need to get synced. Can you give me some criteria that apply to only relevant users? I can provide a proper statement then.

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