Change email channel stops e-mail reply option

We recently had to change our e-mail setting and to recreate the used e-mail channel by a new one. Having done this we end up in the situation that we can’t answere any e-mail ticket in our system any more. The reply link is not shown any more and makes zammad actually unusable for us.

Is there any reason why this can happen and any option to resolve this?

Thanks for all hints to get that solved.

  • Used Zammad version: 2.4.x
  • Used Zammad installation source: package
  • Operating system: Ubuntu
  • Browser + version: Chrome, Edge

I found the solution myself.
When you delete the E-Mail channel and the associated E-Mail address, this address is removed from the Groups that are configured to use them.
Having corrected the Settings in the Groups to use the new E-Mail brings back the Reply links as expected.


Glad you could fix it that fast by your own - thanks for letting us know that it’s fixed. :slight_smile:

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