Cannot receive or send mails


If you are a Zammad Support or hosted customer and experience a technical issue, please refer to: using your zammad-hostname / or company contract.

  • Used Zammad version: 2.9.0
  • Used Zammad installation source: source
  • Operating system: Ubuntu 16.04.4 LTS (GNU/Linux 4.4.0-116-generic x86_64)
  • Browser + version: any

Expected behavior:

  • Send and receive mails as usual

Actual behavior:

  • Can not send any mail or receive mail from server
    The mail channel is configured for incoming and outgoing mails (IMAP & SMTP) with SSL.When reconfiguring the mail I get the following output in my production.log:

Completed 200 OK in 862ms (Views: 0.2ms | ActiveRecord: 0.7ms)
I, [2019-04-04T19:11:01.308697 #3171] INFO – : Started POST “/api/v1/channels_email_verify” for at 2019-04-04 19:11:01 +0200
I, [2019-04-04T19:11:01.316199 #3171] INFO – : Processing by ChannelsEmailController#verify as JSON
I, [2019-04-04T19:11:01.316411 #3171] INFO – : Parameters: {“inbound”=>{“adapter”=>“imap”, “options”=>{“host”=>“hostserver.tld”, “user”=>“username”, “password”=>“[FILTERED]”, “ssl”=>true, “port”=>“993”, “folder”=>“”, “keep_on_server”=>true}, “channel_id”=>3}, “outbound”=>{“adapter”=>“smtp”, “options”=>{“host”=>“hostserver.tld”, “user”=>“username”, “password”=>“[FILTERED]”, “port”=>“25”}, “email”=>“mail@domain.tld”, “channel_id”=>3}, “meta”=>{}, “channel_id”=>3, “group_id”=>1, “email”=>“mail@domain.tld”}
I, [2019-04-04T19:11:07.106616 #3171] INFO – : fetching imap (hostserver.tld/username port=993,ssl=true,starttls=false,folder=INBOX,keep_on_server=true)
I, [2019-04-04T19:11:07.982123 #3171] INFO – : verify mode, fetch no emails #28016636762
I, [2019-04-04T19:11:07.989948 #3171] INFO – : - verify email #28016636762 found
I, [2019-04-04T19:11:08.111516 #3171] INFO – : Completed 200 OK in 6795ms (Views: 0.2ms | ActiveRecord: 1.7ms)

If I send a mail to it I do not receive it - but the mail server receives it correctly. I also can not send a mail via the Zammad system (also checked spam folder). I do not get any error messages in the web application. How can I find out what is going on?

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  • do not know how this happened or how to reproduce it.

Run the following in a rails shell ( zammad run rails c)


And post the results here.
My guess is delayed jobs being blocked. Proberbly duo to not enough ressources.
But finding the issue is hard as the log file should contain the reaosns for the errors (if any logged).

Server should have enough resources available. Can also scale up if needed - currently are 1.5GB of memory in use (from 4, with 2 vCPUs and a 20GB SSD).
Here are the results:

Loading production environment (Rails
2.4.4 :001 > Delayed::Job.count
=> 288
2.4.4 :002 > Delayed::Job.first
=> #<Delayed::Backend::ActiveRecord::Job id: 9103, priority: 0, attempts: 0, handler: “— !ruby/object:Observer::UserDeviceLogJob\nhttp_u…”, last_error: nil, run_at: “2019-03-31 11:05:03”, locked_at: nil, failed_at: nil, locked_by: nil, queue: nil, created_at: “2019-03-31 11:05:03”, updated_at: “2019-03-31 11:05:03”>
2.4.4 :003 > Delayed::Job.last
=> #<Delayed::Backend::ActiveRecord::Job id: 9390, priority: 0, attempts: 0, handler: “— !ruby/object:Observer::UserDeviceLogJob\nhttp_u…”, last_error: nil, run_at: “2019-04-04 18:32:46”, locked_at: nil, failed_at: nil, locked_by: nil, queue: nil, created_at: “2019-04-04 18:32:46”, updated_at: “2019-04-04 18:32:46”>
2.4.4 :004 >

Just found under System -> Monitoring the following messages:

  • channel is active but not fetched for 5 days hour
  • unprocessable mails: 4
  • scheduler may not run (last execution of Chat.cleanup 4 days over) - please contact your system administrator
    {"healthy":false,"message":" channel is active but not fetched for 5 days hour;unprocessable mails: 4;scheduler may not run (last execution of Chat.cleanup 4 days over) - please contact your system administrator","issues":[" channel is active but not fetched for 5 days hour","unprocessable mails: 4","scheduler may not run (last execution of Chat.cleanup 4 days over) - please contact your system administrator"],"actions":[],"token":"sometoken"}

Sorry for the delay.
A simple service zammad restart should do the trick.

Delayed::Job.count should decrease within the next half an hour. If not, stop zammad and ensure all Zammad-related services are stopped.

If all this still does not help, open a second terminal and go to /var/log/zammad/.
On the first window, now start the Zammad service with service zammad start and quickly jump to your second screen and watch the logfile with tail -f production.log.

If the scheduler has trouble, it will appear there soonish (first 1 or 2 minutes).
Please post the logfile out put here (ensure sensitive data is cleaned out before)

Deleyed::Job:count increased the number only (currently at 453).
Here is the output of production.log after a restart:

I, [2019-04-04T18:49:14.611481 #22077-11128620] INFO – : Migrating to Issue2345EsAttachmentMaxSizeInMbSettingLowerDefault (20181120150357)
I, [2019-04-04T18:49:14.621074 #22077-11128620] INFO – : Setting.set(‘es_attachment_max_size_in_mb’, 10)
I, [2019-04-04T18:49:14.623494 #22077-11128620] INFO – : Migrating to Issue2368AddIndicesToHistoriesAndTickets (20181123000000)
I, [2019-04-04T18:49:14.778968 #22077-11128620] INFO – : Migrating to SettingAddEmailFullQuoteHeader (20181203000000)
I, [2019-04-04T18:49:14.800466 #22077-11128620] INFO – : Migrating to SettingChangeTicketZoomAttachmentPreview (20190131000001)
I, [2019-04-04T18:49:14.824753 #22077-11128620] INFO – : Migrating to SettingTimezoneDefault (20190208000001)
I, [2019-04-04T20:37:54.497653 #24224-10153760] INFO – : Setting.set(‘product_logo’, “92af367a24096320985d21540f90f4a2.png”)
I, [2019-04-04T20:38:19.578319 #24229-3460900] INFO – : Setting.set(‘product_logo’, “92af367a24096320985d21540f90f4a2.png”)
I, [2019-04-08T13:48:43.514177 #1880-18403100] INFO – : Setting.set(‘product_logo’, “92af367a24096320985d21540f90f4a2.png”)
I, [2019-04-09T08:54:32.700535 #16322-11423520] INFO – : Setting.set(‘product_logo’, “92af367a24096320985d21540f90f4a2.png”)

I, [2019-04-09T08:59:23.344586 #3171] INFO – : Started GET “/api/v1/monitoring/health_check?=1554396868489" for at 2019-04-09 08:59:23 +0200
I, [2019-04-09T08:59:23.354522 #3171] INFO – : Processing by MonitoringController#health_check as JSON
I, [2019-04-09T08:59:23.354635 #3171] INFO – : Parameters: {"
I, [2019-04-09T08:59:23.377496 #3171] INFO – : Completed 200 OK in 23ms (Views: 0.4ms | ActiveRecord: 2.5ms)

Can you please post more lines from the log`?

Let’s ssay… 500 of them after starting?

Sorry for my late reply. I just had to reboot the whole server and after I startet Zammad again, all emails got fetched from my IMAP server. Now I can send and receive tickets again.
Unter the monitoring section I still have:

  • unprocessable mails: 6

This is the output of my production.log:

I, [2019-04-12T18:43:48.350341 #29583-15576860]  INFO -- : Scheduler running...
I, [2019-04-12T18:43:48.356597 #29583-15576860]  INFO -- : Running job thread for 'Process escalation tickets' (Ticket.process_escalation) status is: sleep
I, [2019-04-12T18:43:48.356919 #29583-15576860]  INFO -- : Running job thread for 'Import OTRS diff load' (Import::OTRS.diff_worker) status is: sleep
I, [2019-04-12T18:43:48.357062 #29583-15576860]  INFO -- : Running job thread for 'Check Channels' (Channel.fetch) status is: sleep
I, [2019-04-12T18:43:48.357197 #29583-15576860]  INFO -- : Running job thread for 'Check streams for Channel' ( status is: sleep
I, [2019-04-12T18:43:48.357358 #29583-15576860]  INFO -- : Running job thread for 'Generate Session data' ( status is: sleep
I, [2019-04-12T18:43:48.357569 #29583-15576860]  INFO -- : Running job thread for 'Execute jobs' ( status is: sleep
I, [2019-04-12T18:43:53.884223 #29583-78733380]  INFO -- : execute Channel.fetch (try_count 0)...
I, [2019-04-12T18:43:53.886263 #29583-78733380]  INFO -- : fetching imap (imap.myserver.tld/username port=993,ssl=true,starttls=false,folder=INBOX,keep_on_server=true)
I, [2019-04-12T18:43:54.136189 #29583-78733380]  INFO -- :  - message 1/3
I, [2019-04-12T18:43:54.258046 #29583-78733380]  INFO -- :   - ignore message 1/3 - because message is too big (is:30.459394454956055 MB/max:15.0 MB)
I, [2019-04-12T18:43:54.258200 #29583-78733380]  INFO -- :  - message 2/3
I, [2019-04-12T18:43:54.304410 #29583-78733380]  INFO -- :   - ignore message 2/3 - because message is too big (is:16.105653762817383 MB/max:15.0 MB)
I, [2019-04-12T18:43:54.304587 #29583-78733380]  INFO -- :  - message 3/3
I, [2019-04-12T18:43:54.503501 #29583-78733380]  INFO -- : Process email with msgid '<notification.20190412164312.1132.3.198707@myserver.tld>'
I, [2019-04-12T18:43:54.510427 #29583-78733380]  INFO -- : Detected own sent notification mail and dropped it to prevent loops (message_id: <notification.20190412164312.1132.3.198707@myserver.tld>, from: Notification Master <noreply@myserver.tld>, to:
I, [2019-04-12T18:43:54.523465 #29583-78733380]  INFO -- : ignored email with msgid '<notification.20190412164312.1132.3.198707@myserver.tld>' from 'Notification Master <noreply@myserver.tld>' because of x-zammad-ignore header
I, [2019-04-12T18:43:54.575579 #29583-78733380]  INFO -- : done
I, [2019-04-12T18:43:56.162448 #29583-60177160]  INFO -- : execute Ticket.process_escalation (try_count 0)...
I, [2019-04-12T18:43:58.771144 #29572-65722940]  INFO -- : Started GET "/api/v1/monitoring/health_check?_=1555087129271" for at 2019-04-12 18:43:58 +0200
I, [2019-04-12T18:43:58.790224 #29572-65722940]  INFO -- : Processing by MonitoringController#health_check as JSON
I, [2019-04-12T18:43:58.790320 #29572-65722940]  INFO -- :   Parameters: {"_"=>"1555087129271"}
I, [2019-04-12T18:43:58.832764 #29572-65722940]  INFO -- : Completed 200 OK in 42ms (Views: 1.4ms | ActiveRecord: 2.8ms)
I, [2019-04-12T18:44:24.616714 #29583-78733380]  INFO -- : execute Channel.fetch (try_count 0)...
I, [2019-04-12T18:44:24.619311 #29583-78733380]  INFO -- : fetching imap (imap.myserver.tld/username port=993,ssl=true,starttls=false,folder=INBOX,keep_on_server=true)
I, [2019-04-12T18:44:24.865613 #29583-78733380]  INFO -- :  - message 1/2
I, [2019-04-12T18:44:24.984566 #29583-78733380]  INFO -- :   - ignore message 1/2 - because message is too big (is:30.459394454956055 MB/max:15.0 MB)
I, [2019-04-12T18:44:24.984685 #29583-78733380]  INFO -- :  - message 2/2
I, [2019-04-12T18:44:25.029186 #29583-78733380]  INFO -- :   - ignore message 2/2 - because message is too big (is:16.105653762817383 MB/max:15.0 MB)
I, [2019-04-12T18:44:25.029740 #29583-78733380]  INFO -- : done
I, [2019-04-12T18:44:48.359035 #29583-15576860]  INFO -- : Scheduler running...
I, [2019-04-12T18:44:48.367589 #29583-15576860]  INFO -- : Running job thread for 'Process escalation tickets' (Ticket.process_escalation) status is: sleep
I, [2019-04-12T18:44:48.368171 #29583-15576860]  INFO -- : Running job thread for 'Import OTRS diff load' (Import::OTRS.diff_worker) status is: sleep
I, [2019-04-12T18:44:48.368310 #29583-15576860]  INFO -- : Running job thread for 'Check Channels' (Channel.fetch) status is: sleep
I, [2019-04-12T18:44:48.368504 #29583-15576860]  INFO -- : Running job thread for 'Check streams for Channel' ( status is: sleep
I, [2019-04-12T18:44:48.368625 #29583-15576860]  INFO -- : Running job thread for 'Generate Session data' ( status is: sleep
I, [2019-04-12T18:44:48.368930 #29583-15576860]  INFO -- : Running job thread for 'Execute jobs' ( status is: sleep
I, [2019-04-12T18:44:55.068489 #29583-78733380]  INFO -- : execute Channel.fetch (try_count 0)...
I, [2019-04-12T18:44:55.070893 #29583-78733380]  INFO -- : fetching imap (imap.myserver.tld/username port=993,ssl=true,starttls=false,folder=INBOX,keep_on_server=true)
I, [2019-04-12T18:44:55.315743 #29583-78733380]  INFO -- :  - message 1/2
I, [2019-04-12T18:44:55.436945 #29583-78733380]  INFO -- :   - ignore message 1/2 - because message is too big (is:30.459394454956055 MB/max:15.0 MB)
I, [2019-04-12T18:44:55.437133 #29583-78733380]  INFO -- :  - message 2/2
I, [2019-04-12T18:44:55.483134 #29583-78733380]  INFO -- :   - ignore message 2/2 - because message is too big (is:16.105653762817383 MB/max:15.0 MB)
I, [2019-04-12T18:44:55.483678 #29583-78733380]  INFO -- : done
I, [2019-04-12T18:45:08.839385 #29583-70171377297120]  INFO -- : execute (try_count 0)...
I, [2019-04-12T18:45:16.516964 #29583-70172657588380]  INFO -- : execute Import::OTRS.diff_worker (try_count 0)...
I, [2019-04-12T18:45:25.549113 #29583-78733380]  INFO -- : execute Channel.fetch (try_count 0)...
I, [2019-04-12T18:45:25.551658 #29583-78733380]  INFO -- : fetching imap (imap.myserver.tld/username port=993,ssl=true,starttls=false,folder=INBOX,keep_on_server=true)
I, [2019-04-12T18:45:25.805674 #29583-78733380]  INFO -- :  - message 1/2
I, [2019-04-12T18:45:25.928047 #29583-78733380]  INFO -- :   - ignore message 1/2 - because message is too big (is:30.459394454956055 MB/max:15.0 MB)
I, [2019-04-12T18:45:25.928189 #29583-78733380]  INFO -- :  - message 2/2
I, [2019-04-12T18:45:25.975688 #29583-78733380]  INFO -- :   - ignore message 2/2 - because message is too big (is:16.105653762817383 MB/max:15.0 MB)
I, [2019-04-12T18:45:25.976460 #29583-78733380]  INFO -- : done
I, [2019-04-12T18:45:39.150492 #29572-65723640]  INFO -- : Started GET "/api/v1/monitoring/health_check?_=1555087129272" for at 2019-04-12 18:45:39 +0200
I, [2019-04-12T18:45:39.178327 #29572-65723640]  INFO -- : Processing by MonitoringController#health_check as JSON
I, [2019-04-12T18:45:39.178422 #29572-65723640]  INFO -- :   Parameters: {"_"=>"1555087129272"}
I, [2019-04-12T18:45:39.226348 #29572-65723640]  INFO -- : Completed 200 OK in 48ms (Views: 0.3ms | ActiveRecord: 3.5ms)
I, [2019-04-12T18:45:48.370367 #29583-15576860]  INFO -- : Scheduler running...
I, [2019-04-12T18:45:48.378274 #29583-15576860]  INFO -- : Running job thread for 'Process escalation tickets' (Ticket.process_escalation) status is: sleep
I, [2019-04-12T18:45:48.378625 #29583-15576860]  INFO -- : Running job thread for 'Import OTRS diff load' (Import::OTRS.diff_worker) status is: sleep
I, [2019-04-12T18:45:48.378791 #29583-15576860]  INFO -- : Running job thread for 'Check Channels' (Channel.fetch) status is: sleep
I, [2019-04-12T18:45:48.378978 #29583-15576860]  INFO -- : Running job thread for 'Check streams for Channel' ( status is: sleep
I, [2019-04-12T18:45:48.379116 #29583-15576860]  INFO -- : Running job thread for 'Generate Session data' ( status is: sleep
I, [2019-04-12T18:45:48.379344 #29583-15576860]  INFO -- : Running job thread for 'Execute jobs' ( status is: sleep
I, [2019-04-12T18:45:53.094513 #381-13930260]  INFO -- : Setting.set('product_logo', "92af367a24096320985d21540f90f4a2.png")
I, [2019-04-12T18:45:56.042067 #29583-78733380]  INFO -- : execute Channel.fetch (try_count 0)...
I, [2019-04-12T18:45:56.044495 #29583-78733380]  INFO -- : fetching imap (imap.myserver.tld/username port=993,ssl=true,starttls=false,folder=INBOX,keep_on_server=true)
I, [2019-04-12T18:45:56.296901 #29583-78733380]  INFO -- :  - message 1/2
I, [2019-04-12T18:45:56.419064 #29583-78733380]  INFO -- :   - ignore message 1/2 - because message is too big (is:30.459394454956055 MB/max:15.0 MB)
I, [2019-04-12T18:45:56.419140 #29583-78733380]  INFO -- :  - message 2/2
I, [2019-04-12T18:45:56.463876 #29583-78733380]  INFO -- :   - ignore message 2/2 - because message is too big (is:16.105653762817383 MB/max:15.0 MB)
I, [2019-04-12T18:45:56.464668 #29583-78733380]  INFO -- : done
I, [2019-04-12T18:46:14.088019 #29572-65722600]  INFO -- : Started GET "/api/v1/monitoring/health_check?_=1555087129273" for at 2019-04-12 18:46:14 +0200
I, [2019-04-12T18:46:14.108965 #29572-65722600]  INFO -- : Processing by MonitoringController#health_check as JSON
I, [2019-04-12T18:46:14.109050 #29572-65722600]  INFO -- :   Parameters: {"_"=>"1555087129273"}
I, [2019-04-12T18:46:14.143350 #29572-65722600]  INFO -- : Completed 200 OK in 34ms (Views: 1.1ms | ActiveRecord: 4.8ms)
I, [2019-04-12T18:46:26.542294 #29583-78733380]  INFO -- : execute Channel.fetch (try_count 0)...
I, [2019-04-12T18:46:26.545196 #29583-78733380]  INFO -- : fetching imap (imap.myserver.tld/username port=993,ssl=true,starttls=false,folder=INBOX,keep_on_server=true)
I, [2019-04-12T18:46:26.795568 #29583-78733380]  INFO -- :  - message 1/2
I, [2019-04-12T18:46:26.918530 #29583-78733380]  INFO -- :   - ignore message 1/2 - because message is too big (is:30.459394454956055 MB/max:15.0 MB)
I, [2019-04-12T18:46:26.918661 #29583-78733380]  INFO -- :  - message 2/2
I, [2019-04-12T18:46:26.965525 #29583-78733380]  INFO -- :   - ignore message 2/2 - because message is too big (is:16.105653762817383 MB/max:15.0 MB)
I, [2019-04-12T18:46:26.966379 #29583-78733380]  INFO -- : done
I, [2019-04-12T18:46:48.380581 #29583-15576860]  INFO -- : Scheduler running...
I, [2019-04-12T18:46:48.386376 #29583-15576860]  INFO -- : Running job thread for 'Process escalation tickets' (Ticket.process_escalation) status is: sleep
I, [2019-04-12T18:46:48.386729 #29583-15576860]  INFO -- : Running job thread for 'Import OTRS diff load' (Import::OTRS.diff_worker) status is: sleep
I, [2019-04-12T18:46:48.386805 #29583-15576860]  INFO -- : Running job thread for 'Check Channels' (Channel.fetch) status is: sleep
I, [2019-04-12T18:46:48.387152 #29583-15576860]  INFO -- : Running job thread for 'Check streams for Channel' ( status is: sleep
I, [2019-04-12T18:46:48.387230 #29583-15576860]  INFO -- : Running job thread for 'Generate Session data' ( status is: sleep
I, [2019-04-12T18:46:48.387378 #29583-15576860]  INFO -- : Running job thread for 'Execute jobs' ( status is: sleep
I, [2019-04-12T18:46:52.001919 #29572-70136715312600]  INFO -- : Started GET "/api/v1/monitoring/health_check?_=1555087129274" for at 2019-04-12 18:46:52 +0200
I, [2019-04-12T18:46:52.021705 #29572-70136715312600]  INFO -- : Processing by MonitoringController#health_check as JSON
I, [2019-04-12T18:46:52.021787 #29572-70136715312600]  INFO -- :   Parameters: {"_"=>"1555087129274"}
I, [2019-04-12T18:46:52.072164 #29572-70136715312600]  INFO -- : Completed 200 OK in 50ms (Views: 0.5ms | ActiveRecord: 4.0ms)
I, [2019-04-12T18:46:57.010710 #29583-78733380]  INFO -- : execute Channel.fetch (try_count 0)...
I, [2019-04-12T18:46:57.013452 #29583-78733380]  INFO -- : fetching imap (imap.myserver.tld/username port=993,ssl=true,starttls=false,folder=INBOX,keep_on_server=true)
I, [2019-04-12T18:46:57.266300 #29583-78733380]  INFO -- :  - message 1/2
I, [2019-04-12T18:46:57.387318 #29583-78733380]  INFO -- :   - ignore message 1/2 - because message is too big (is:30.459394454956055 MB/max:15.0 MB)
I, [2019-04-12T18:46:57.387454 #29583-78733380]  INFO -- :  - message 2/2
I, [2019-04-12T18:46:57.432565 #29583-78733380]  INFO -- :   - ignore message 2/2 - because message is too big (is:16.105653762817383 MB/max:15.0 MB)
I, [2019-04-12T18:46:57.433439 #29583-78733380]  INFO -- : done
I, [2019-04-12T18:47:27.395785 #421-6426400]  INFO -- : Setting.set('product_logo', "92af367a24096320985d21540f90f4a2.png")
I, [2019-04-12T18:47:27.476875 #29583-78733380]  INFO -- : execute Channel.fetch (try_count 0)...
I, [2019-04-12T18:47:27.479970 #29583-78733380]  INFO -- : fetching imap (imap.myserver.tld/username port=993,ssl=true,starttls=false,folder=INBOX,keep_on_server=true)
I, [2019-04-12T18:47:27.715781 #29583-78733380]  INFO -- :  - message 1/2
I, [2019-04-12T18:47:27.839021 #29583-78733380]  INFO -- :   - ignore message 1/2 - because message is too big (is:30.459394454956055 MB/max:15.0 MB)
I, [2019-04-12T18:47:27.839159 #29583-78733380]  INFO -- :  - message 2/2
I, [2019-04-12T18:47:27.884554 #29583-78733380]  INFO -- :   - ignore message 2/2 - because message is too big (is:16.105653762817383 MB/max:15.0 MB)
I, [2019-04-12T18:47:27.885155 #29583-78733380]  INFO -- : done
I, [2019-04-12T18:47:44.726746 #29572-65723980]  INFO -- : Started GET "/api/v1/monitoring/health_check?_=1555087129275" for at 2019-04-12 18:47:44 +0200
I, [2019-04-12T18:47:44.759169 #29572-65723980]  INFO -- : Processing by MonitoringController#health_check as JSON
I, [2019-04-12T18:47:44.759285 #29572-65723980]  INFO -- :   Parameters: {"_"=>"1555087129275"}
I, [2019-04-12T18:47:44.811988 #29572-65723980]  INFO -- : Completed 200 OK in 52ms (Views: 0.9ms | ActiveRecord: 6.6ms)
I, [2019-04-12T18:47:48.388377 #29583-15576860]  INFO -- : Scheduler running...
I, [2019-04-12T18:47:48.393451 #29583-15576860]  INFO -- : Running job thread for 'Process escalation tickets' (Ticket.process_escalation) status is: sleep
I, [2019-04-12T18:47:48.393662 #29583-15576860]  INFO -- : Running job thread for 'Import OTRS diff load' (Import::OTRS.diff_worker) status is: sleep
I, [2019-04-12T18:47:48.393753 #29583-15576860]  INFO -- : Running job thread for 'Check Channels' (Channel.fetch) status is: sleep
I, [2019-04-12T18:47:48.393843 #29583-15576860]  INFO -- : Running job thread for 'Check streams for Channel' ( status is: sleep
I, [2019-04-12T18:47:48.393930 #29583-15576860]  INFO -- : Running job thread for 'Generate Session data' ( status is: sleep
I, [2019-04-12T18:47:48.394111 #29583-15576860]  INFO -- : Running job thread for 'Execute jobs' ( status is: sleep
I, [2019-04-12T18:47:57.941281 #29583-78733380]  INFO -- : execute Channel.fetch (try_count 0)...
I, [2019-04-12T18:47:57.945257 #29583-78733380]  INFO -- : fetching imap (imap.myserver.tld/username port=993,ssl=true,starttls=false,folder=INBOX,keep_on_server=true)
I, [2019-04-12T18:47:58.196854 #29583-78733380]  INFO -- :  - message 1/2
I, [2019-04-12T18:47:58.315435 #29583-78733380]  INFO -- :   - ignore message 1/2 - because message is too big (is:30.459394454956055 MB/max:15.0 MB)
I, [2019-04-12T18:47:58.315541 #29583-78733380]  INFO -- :  - message 2/2
I, [2019-04-12T18:47:58.359652 #29583-78733380]  INFO -- :   - ignore message 2/2 - because message is too big (is:16.105653762817383 MB/max:15.0 MB)
I, [2019-04-12T18:47:58.360273 #29583-78733380]  INFO -- : done
I, [2019-04-12T18:48:16.528038 #29583-70172657588380]  INFO -- : execute Import::OTRS.diff_worker (try_count 0)...
I, [2019-04-12T18:48:26.669920 #29572-65722940]  INFO -- : Started GET "/api/v1/monitoring/health_check?_=1555087129276" for at 2019-04-12 18:48:26 +0200
I, [2019-04-12T18:48:26.681031 #29572-65722940]  INFO -- : Processing by MonitoringController#health_check as JSON
I, [2019-04-12T18:48:26.681101 #29572-65722940]  INFO -- :   Parameters: {"_"=>"1555087129276"}
I, [2019-04-12T18:48:26.710552 #29572-65722940]  INFO -- : Completed 200 OK in 29ms (Views: 0.4ms | ActiveRecord: 3.3ms)
I, [2019-04-12T18:48:28.402531 #29583-78733380]  INFO -- : execute Channel.fetch (try_count 0)...
I, [2019-04-12T18:48:28.404810 #29583-78733380]  INFO -- : fetching imap (imap.myserver.tld/username port=993,ssl=true,starttls=false,folder=INBOX,keep_on_server=true)
I, [2019-04-12T18:48:28.656526 #29583-78733380]  INFO -- :  - message 1/2
I, [2019-04-12T18:48:28.777543 #29583-78733380]  INFO -- :   - ignore message 1/2 - because message is too big (is:30.459394454956055 MB/max:15.0 MB)
I, [2019-04-12T18:48:28.777654 #29583-78733380]  INFO -- :  - message 2/2
I, [2019-04-12T18:48:28.824029 #29583-78733380]  INFO -- :   - ignore message 2/2 - because message is too big (is:16.105653762817383 MB/max:15.0 MB)
I, [2019-04-12T18:48:28.824832 #29583-78733380]  INFO -- : done

As far as I understand the log there is a large message that gives the problem. Is this a message on my IMAP server that can not get synced or a ticket inside of Zammad?

Also the output of Delayed::Job.count is good to see:

Loading production environment (Rails
2.4.4 :001 > Delayed::Job.count
 => 0

Looking forward for your answer and appreciate your help!

Greetings from Austria

Is simply a setting. You set Zammad to allow a maximum email size of 15MB - bigger mails will be ignored (as stated) and thus not fetched by Zammad.

You might want to adjust that setting (E-Mail-Channels → Settings) or, if wanted to be exactly that way, to limit the maximum mail size for that account to 15MB, your mail server will then block those mails by default.

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