Can we get a darkmode theme please?

We truly love Zammad!

The only thing we miss every morning when we open the bright shining :sunny: Zammad website, with our tired, red, IT-sysadmin eyes, is a darkmode theme. :slight_smile:

We would be more than happy if we can get the option under profile settings to switch the theme to darkmode.

We need sunglasses or a darkmode :sunglasses:

We wish everybody in the zammad team much success and fun and love.



pretty much what you also have implemented in this community siteโ€ฆ (using dark theme now)

Thanks in advance guys!



Is there anything new on this topic? Dark mode is really great, especially if you work with the system all day.


Hi Folks,

now after two years of evaluating zammad still using redmine we try to move zammad now towards production.
Concerning missing dark theme at the moment we do use chrome โ€œDark Readerโ€ from chrome webstore, which comes pretty close to a native dark theme.

Hopefully in the near future there will be a native dark theme available for zammad.

Kind regards,


Any updates on whether a dark mode with automatic switching will be available in Zammad?


we would also love it if there was a dark mode. Right now in the dark season.

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This topic was automatically closed after 416 days. New replies are no longer allowed.

Zammad dark mode was introduced with Zammad 5.3:

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