Bug with checklists


  • Used Zammad version: 6.4
  • Used Zammad installation type: package
  • Operating system: Debian 12
  • Browser + version: Chrome 130

Expected behavior:

  • All checklist items should be deletable or editable

Actual behavior:

  • First checklist item can’t be deleted or edited

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  • Add empty checklist

  • Don’t enter anything, but switch to another app like Excel

  • Checkbox and 3-dot-menu is grayed and not editable anymore. It’s only possible to delete the checklist and create it again.

  • I added manually 27 checklist items (copy and paste item by item from Excel). The 26th item had the same behaviour as the first one. To reproduce just add a bunch of items one by one and enter anything. Sooner or later this will happen.

On what exact version is your Zammad instance? I cannot reproduce this on a Firefox. (don’t have chrome on this device)

I think it’s this one and should be fixed already, backport to stable is also incoming.

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