Bug? in the history

  • Used Zammad version: 6.1.0-1700492762.96ac5a60.bionic
  • Used Zammad installation type: package
  • Operating system: Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS
  • Browser + version: Newest Chrome

Expected behavior:

history doesnt say that former employees (agents) do changes to tickets right now

Actual behavior:

history says former employee right now did a change

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

Create a ticket and choose any customer.
Now disable your user and remove agent rights (like you are a former employee), then change the customer and after that delete the first customer.
After that is finished there will be a message in the history that the former employee right now edited the ticket to change the customer "from deleted customer to - "

Just saw it right now and thought you could be interested in fixing this. I think the right behaviour would be A) change the customer also in the first paragraph or B) change the history to “System changed” instead of “former employee changed”