(broken?) email headers

  • Used Zammad version: 2.6
  • Used Zammad installation source: zammad-docker-compose

We’re receiving emails from one particular client with a line in the middle of the headers that just contains one space character. Is that valid? It breaks how zammad displays the message, it thinks the message starts at the line after the line that contains just the space.

going from memory so probably wrong, I thought there had to be 2 empty lines to mark the end of the headers and the start of the message?

it displays fine in thunderbird

Ah I took way too long to find this sorry!

I’m not sure if this is valid for RFC, but if the E-Mail doesn’t contain too sensitive information, I’d love to get that sample as EML-File to support[at]zammad.com (just reference me) to take a closer look. If it’s a bug, we’ll address it! :muscle:

it’s not really a bug in zammad but maybe zammad could be more forgiving


it looks like it’s my mailserver’s spf checker that’s adding the blank line which I’ll fix.

Thanks for your sample E-Mail, I now see what you meant.
That’s indeed a bit broken.

I am quite sad that the english wikipedia version doesn’t have such a nice header-reference like the German one has - that’s why I semi translated a screenshot. Basically it says, that the first empty line indicated the end of the header and beginning of the body. So Zammad works as intended (in my opinion).

(Reference: Header (E-Mail) – Wikipedia)

I’ll ask my colleguales on the next Meeting (tomorrow) if they see that like I do.
Currently (and that is my biggest problem) I don’t know if it’s valid to post a newline with a spacing to end the header (because if it’s valid, we’d break Zammad with allowing that to work).

I think the biggest problem is not that you see half of the header files in the article, but rather that Zammad “misses” to see the base64 content and doesn’t work on it correctly. I might do some further testing in my free time as this topic interests me quite alot.

My Thunderbird is displays the E-Mail correctly when I opened it indeed. When I see it in the list, it also has some trouble which is interesting.

I agree the header is malformed.
It’s not a empty line though, it’s a line containing a space, so in theory zammad shouldn’t treat it as end of headers. But yes please, see what your colleagues say. I’m happy either way.

The broken header is something my mail server is doing and I’ll get it fixed soon.

thanks for looking into it.

Good news!
We agree on this being a bug within Zammad, as this is not exactly an empty line (as it should be).

I already filled in a Issue for you:

Again, thanks for sharing this!

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