We really love the 4.0 Feature with subscriptions and mentions.
What I am missing, is unsubscribing other Users.
At some tickets, I invite everyone that could have something to do with it.
“Hello, I forgot my SD Card at your Shop”.
Me: Invitiing everyone from the shop “did you find it?”
Someone: “Yes I found it, I will inform the customer”. Then, some conversation follows, so the ticket keeps open.
At this point, it is not neccessary for anyone being subscribed. But everyone has to login and unsubscribe just because of me. So I am the bad guy that disturbs everyones mailbox and should be able to unsubscribe.
I also would like an option, that a mention does not mean a subscription, but a single Information to the User.
Came here to look if this has already been requested. Our agents love the new mention feature, but it’s absolutely unnecessary for everyone mentioned to automatically be subscribed to the tickets they are mentioned in. I have already received the first complaints because now agents are spammed with notifications for tickets they are not working on just because someone mentioned them. We need an option to disable this please.