Used Zammad version: 5.0.3-1642755691.7ff7be80.focal
Used Zammad installation type: package
Operating system: Ubuntu 20.04
Browser + version: any
Expected behavior:
Backup completed
Actual behavior:
Backup fails:
# /opt/zammad/contrib/backup/
# Zammad backup started - Tue 01 Feb 2022 08:23:28 AM CET!
creating file backup...
creating postgresql backup...
pg_dump: error: connection to database "zammad" failed: connection to server on socket "/var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5432" failed: FATALE: autenticazione Peer fallita per l'utente "zammad"
# Zammad backuped successfully - Tue 01 Feb 2022 08:27:19 AM CET!
I’ll file a new issue for the last message, as it shouldn’t return success if in fact it’s failing. But I see there’s not much error checking into the backup script…
I suspect this happens because I have two Postgresql versions, 12 and 14, which I personally didn’t install myself, but likely came from upgrades.
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
Just run /opt/zammad/contrib/backup/
The backup script isn’t using socket commands since Zammad 5 any more.
This may be a environment specific issue because above shouldn’t happen to default package installations (I’ve bombed more than a whole day in the verification process).