Backup and restore from old server to new


I’ve set up a new server with Zammad, and am trying to import the data from the previous server. However, after restoring the data, the new server is still in its ‘Getting Started’ phase and has none of my data.

Perhaps I have mixed database types and not realised. How do I look up which database is being used on for Zammad?

Many thanks


Expected behavior:

  • Backup of files and DB from the previous server and restore into new server to work

Actual behavior:

  • Restored all data, but the new server is still in its ‘Getting Started’ phase and has none of the imported data.

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  • Backup data from old Ubuntu 16.04 server, install Zammad & Elasticsearch on new 18.04 server, restore backups.

Update: Old server was MySQL new server is PostgreSQL, so thats probably why :sweat_smile:

Now i just need to work out how to set up the new server as MySQL instead

Ensure Zammad is stopped during the following process:

“Simply” install Maria DB / MySQL-Server, create a Zammad-User and -Database with rights on that database. Then edit the file /opt/zammad/config/database.yml and set the needed login data. Also, for MySQL, your adapter wants to be mysql2.

Now you need to feed your database with the needed tables with:

zammad run rake db:create
zammad run rake db:migrate
zammad run rake db:seed

Afterwards importing should work without trouble.
If needed, we also can provide commercial conversion for the dump data, if needed.

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