Avoid ticket creation from unknown users - Zammad 3.1


Expected behavior:

Zammad should provide an option to refuse emails from unknown, unregistered users.

Actual behavior:

Zammad does not prevent user and ticket automatic creation from emails.

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

Configure the email channel, send an email to it from any email address you choose to use.

I know that subject has been discussed before but I couldn’t find anything about version 3.1 . In my opinion, automatic creation of users and tickets should be a feature but not the predefined behaviour of the product. In other posts Zammad devs talked about how easy it is to write a Postmaster filter in Ruby… could you provide a working example to the community please?

The filter should be like that:

if sender’s email is exactly: someone1 OR if sender’s email is exactly: someone2
THEN create ticket
ELSE drop email

Thanks for your help,


No offense, but I don’t think that this will ever find it’s way into Zammad. Anyway, what you want to do is already possible with regex.

You might want to check postmaster filters (which allows you to ignore messages) and this doc-page:

No offense at all and thanks for your answer!

I tried your suggested solution (the postmaster filter) and found it reasonable and well enough for what I need.

Again, thanks for your help.

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