Hey there,
my company wants to use a new helpdesk and Zammad looks great. However in order to actually save us time I believe it is vital for us to not have to look for user info too much.
We’re mostly working with Amazon and Ebay. It would be great if there was a way to integrate it so that we have the order information on the Zammad user interface.
For Amazon for example the order number always has this format: XXX-XXXXXXX-XXXXXXX for e.g. 304-5003847-0973141
Is there a way to setup Zammad so it recognizes that number then either puts that in a ticket field or replaces it with a link?
In this example the e-mail would come in, be turned into a ticket. Zammad checks for pre-defined numbers then replaces them with a clickable link. The link would be Amazon Anmelden
This feature could be used for many applications in my view.
Thank you