Auto Assignment - case: Zammad with i-doit integration

Dear Zammad Team,

me again. Do you already know that I love Zammad? Nevermind! I love it.
I hope you can help me with my next request. I am so happy that there is a solution in Zammad to integrate i-doit objects when creating a ticket.

For your information; i can assign a specific user to an object in i-doit (for example assign to a client, router etc.).

So my user is writing me an email because he needs a specific software like vlc media player on his client. I see his ticket in the ticket interface but now I have the following problem → I don’t know or my colleague doesn’t know which client the customer is using.

So my question is; theoretical it’s just one more information which zammad should retrieve from i-doit to auto assign an i-doit object to the ticket the user was writing. Something like an if else thing, you know? Is there a solution for that?

Thank you very much for your feedback!

Best regards
Alessandro Palopoli


there’s currently no automatic solution for that except for asking your user what computer he/she/it uses.
You could use API calls to find out what system the user does and update that by API in Zammad, but I think that’s quite some effort… :frowning:
Best regards

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Thank you for your reply. Will be some solution for that case in the future?


I doubt that’ll be easy to implement since everyone uses i-doit differently.
This will probably stay something you need to script on your own.


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