Used Zammad installation source: (source, package, …) apt
Operating system: Ubuntu 20.04
Browser + version: Microsoft Edge
Hello guys,
how can I define a mail template for mail which are sending by a trigger?
The mails are blank and only text is written in the mail. In Outlook the font size doesn’t work, Times New Roman is there shown.
Why I can’t use HTML in the trigger? I think that is the best way to define a template. Only text is very hard to read, because we write some text in the mails.
Is there a way to define a basic template for outgoing mail for customers?
Or which file can I edit to allow HTML in trigger?
Zammad does not come with templates for outgoing mails.
Allowing html content (the direct way) is not desired from our end, because it potentially breaks more than it’s useful. That being said, Zammad is still developing, so don’t take my word too granted.
If it’s not working for outlook but in all other tools well… blame Microsoft.
Regarding “text only”.
Sorry, I don’t understand the issue.
Do you know about the possibilities within Zammads editor?
You may want to have a look onto the keyboard shortcuts: Keyboard Shortcuts — Zammad (for Agents) documentation