Current Behaviour
I have a new Zammad instance and the number in the URL and the ticket ID is off by one and do not include the system ID.
The URL:
The shown ticket id: Example#420034
Expected / Desired Behaviour
The ID used in the URL is identical to the ticket ID:
Current behaviour is violating Jakob’s law in UX:
As a ticket system user I am used to edit the URL and overwrite the ID, to quickly jump to a known ticket. I learned that over many decades and I am using it daily with GitHub and Jira and other tools.
As a ticket system user I am used to quickly grasp the ID of a ticket from the URL. I have many tabs open, so the ID in the page title is hidden from me. Another ID displayed somewhere in the page is not my primary focus point to get the ID, since this is application specific and has different formatting, font, font size and colours all the time, so using the URL is easier.
I am also interpreting the URLs that are sent to me by email or copied to other tools and texts and derive relevant information from it, like the ticket ID.
Now, since I learned to derive the ID from the URL with many other applications there is a consistency problem and lots confusion generated, since the actual ticket ID is different.
Furthermore, as a general concept, any ticket system has one unique ID to reference a ticket in the public, not two
Previous Work
There was previous discussion and a PR which does a redirects a real ticket ID to the database ID, however, the actual problem remains
Switching to desired behaviour
Changing the scheme within an existing Zammad installation with existing tickets is probably a challenge but should be doable.