Advanced reference detection by References: header


our Zammad Email channel has all advanced reference detection options set enabled such as the 3rd option References by In-Reply-To: and References:

But the following use case is not covered by this:

A mail was not sent to the Zammad mailbox but directly to an agent. The agent forwards the mail to the Zammad mailbox. Additionally he sends a reply to the mail and adds Zammad to Cc.
Now Zammad receives 2 mails that both have a References: header to the same id, but that original mail ID is not known on Zammad. Currently Zammad doesn’t merge the 2 mails to 1 ticket but has 2 separate tickets.
The new feature should merge 2 tickets with the same virtual References ID eventhough that original mail is not existing on Zammad.

Zammad environment:

  • Average concurrent agent count: 3
  • Average tickets a day: 4-5
  • What roles/people are involved: 4 agents
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this already exists

You show 5 options in your screenshot.
Options 4 and 5 are useful to help setting the customer in that scenario. Thanks for that hint.
But none of the options 1-3 are solving the issue that 2 separate tickets are currently created and not merged if the original message ID is not known in Zammad.

I would try to solve your use case this way:

Using the option “Sender based on Reply-To header”, a received mail can be forwarded to zammad with the customer mail as Reply-To.
This way zammad would create the new customer based on the correct email.
:exclamation: Yes, probably you’ll need to set the Reply-To, but you’ll only need to send one mail.
To inform the customer, let zammad do this via trigger.
This way the customer can be informed automatically, including the corresponding ticket number and thus making follow up detection possible.

Alternate possibility:
After forwarding the mail to zammad, let the agents send their replies from within zammad, not from their personal email client.
This way the follow up detection handles everything itself.
:exclamation: Zammad won’t create a new user.

I hope this helps you a bit?

The ideas are helpful to set the right customer when forwarding to Zammad, I already mentioned those as option 4 and 5, but don’t solve the duplicate ticket in my described approach.
They don’t solve the issue that Zammad does not merge tickets if the original message is missing.

Communicating only via Zammad Web is always possible. But nevertheless, tracking issues should also work on plain email-communication with email clients, where Zammad is only acting as watcher.