Used Zammad version: 5.1.x
Used Zammad installation type: package
Operating system:
Expected behavior:
- sends mail
Actual behavior:
Zustellung fehlgeschlagen: “Unable to send email to ‘Customer’: Can’t use Channel::Driver::Smtp: #<OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError: SSL_connect returned=1 errno=0 peeraddr= state=error: wrong version number>”
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
add an SMTP only channel using
mychannel = Channel.create(
area: ‘Email::Account’,
options: {
inbound: {
adapter: 'null',
options: {}
outbound: {
adapter: 'smtp' ,
options: {
host: "",
user: "apikey",
password: "<key removed>",
port: 587,
ssl: true,
domain: Setting.get('fqdn'),
enable_starttls_auto: true
active: true,
preferences: {
editable: false
updated_by_id: 1,
created_by_id: 1
i am not sure if the error is a bug or somehow related to the used configuration especially in regarding to ssl / port etc, anything i can do to help solving this issue for me?